Australia. Examining VET pathways to student success
The research suggests that students completing all vocational education and training (VET) subjects in which they have enrolled could be considered alongside VET program completions as an additional measure of successful student outcomes.
Source: NCVER – National Centre for Vocational Education Research
Canada. State of Continuing Education 2024 Report
Continuing, professional, and workforce education units play a pivotal role in assisting colleges and universities navigating the complexities of today's higher education landscape. This includes meeting the growing needs of adult learners, whose significance and requirements are continually evolving, as well as augmenting revenue streams.
Source: Modern Campus
Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone. Better Education for Africa’s Rise (BEAR III) project: promoting and supporting better TVET systems in West Africa
This leaflet provides an overview of the BEAR III project’s activities from 2023 to 2027, emphasizing its expected impacts. The document outlines targeted sectors in each country, focusing on enhancing the quality and relevance of TVET programmes to better appeal to youth, businesses, and society. At the core of the project is the adoption of a sector skills development approach, with efforts concentrated on key economic sectors identified in collaboration with national governments and TVET stakeholders to align with strategic agendas.
En français. Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigéria, Sierra Leone. Projet : une meilleure éducation pour l’essor de l’Afrique (BEAR III), promouvoir et soutenir l’amélioration de l’EFTP en Afrique de l’Ouest
Source: UNESCO
EU. 20 years of Erasmus Mundus
This publication marks the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus Mundus (EM) programme, a milestone that underscores its highly transformative impact on individuals, higher education institutions (HEIs), and countries both within and outside the European Union (EU).
Source: EU – European Union
Elevating TVET for a just and sustainable future for all: UNESCO-UNEVOC medium-term strategy 2024-2026
This medium-term strategy includes a series of flagships, such as the UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme, the Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET (BILT) project, partnership with the Global Skills Academy, and UNEVOC Connect, a global clearing house for up-to-date resources on TVET. It comprises actions aimed at training of TVET leaders and teachers, cooperation with the UNEVOC Network and other networks of UNESCO, engagement with the private sector, and dissemination of TVET data and research.
Creating the University of the Future: A Global View on Future Skills and Future Higher Education
A global panorama of institutional strategies, academic programs, scholarly insights as well as teaching and learning practices taking stock of the Future Skills Turn taking place in higher education.
Source: Springer
Apprenticeships and the digital transition
Digital technologies are increasingly being adopted in a variety of occupations and sectors, meaning that workers need a solid set of digital skills. This publication draws from practice and research that explore how skill needs are changing due to the digital transition, how this impacts apprenticeship systems, how apprenticeships can support and promote the transition, and how they can benefit from effective technology adoption and use in their delivery in the school-based and workplace components.
Source: CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2024, Volume 1: Embracing the Technology Frontier
The evolution of the digital technology ecosystem is driving economic and societal changes, with the information and communication technology (ICT) sector at its core proving dynamic and resilient in the face of economic headwinds. As digital technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality and next generation networks permeate our lives and the economy, it is critical to unleash innovation responsibly, ensure that the benefits of these technologies are widely shared, and reduce the risks technological advances can pose to well-being and society.
En français. Perspectives de l’économie numérique de l’OCDE 2024 (Volume 1) : Cap sur la frontière technologique
Source: OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Data on TVET and skills development: current state and options for future development; concept note
This session will delve into the importance of data on TVET and skills development. Panellists will also look beyond SDG 4 to examine current data availability and new developments in data on TVET financing, access and participation, quality, and the relevance of TVET. The session will highlight how data can inform the alignment of skills development with industry needs, through assessment of the professional skills of TVET learners, tracking of skill development (skilling, reskilling and upskilling), employer feedback, and labour market trends to ensure that TVET programmes are responsive and relevant. Newly emerging, innovative sources of data will also be explored, leveraging, for example, artificial intelligence and other new technologies and their potential application to alternative data sources.
En français. Données sur l'EFTP et le développement des compétences : état actuel et options de développement futur; note conceptuelle
Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Exploring the emergence of microcredentials in vocational education and training (VET)
This working paper aims to critique the emergence of microcredentials in vocational education and training. It argues that considering microcredentials as a new tool to reorient higher or academic education overlooks the potential of vocational and professional education as well as its aim to equip learners with employability skills, in line with increasing labour market demands.
Source: CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training