There are four types of members in the CVA:


Full Membership

Any person interested in the objectives of the CVA may become a Full Member upon payment of a membership fee of $100, renewable every year.

A Full Member is entitled to attend and vote at members'meetings.

Full members receive a 10% discount rate upon registration in any module of the DACUM training programme.

A non-member having completed any module of the CVA’s DACUM training programme will automatically become a Full Member for a period of 12 months following the completion of the module.

Full Members receive the CVA Newsletter.

Associate Membership

Any person interested in being on the CVA mailing list may become an Associate Member. This type of membership is free and indefinite.

Associate Members are non-voting members. They receive a 5% discount rate upon registration in any module of the DACUM training programme.

To cease being an Associate Member, one must notify the CVA.

Associate Members receive the CVA Newsletter.

Corporate Membership

Any organization or association desiring to support and further the objectives of the CVA may become a Corporate Member upon payment of a Corporate Membership fee of $500, renewable every 3 years.

Corporate Members are non-voting members.

The CVA Board of Directors nominates three Corporate Members for a two-year mandate in order to represent, Government, Business & Industry, and Training & Education. These Corporate Members become voting members on the Board of Directors. They sit as individuals on the Board and not as representatives of the specific organizations to which they belong.

Corporate members receive a 15% discount rate for each individual registration in any module of the DACUM training programme.

Corporate Members receive the CVA Newsletter.

Become a Member

Thank you for becoming a member of the Canadian Vocational Association. The information you provide will not be shared with others unless you give your permission to share it for professional purposes only.

    Membership Category (required)

    Individuals who register to become either Full Members or Corporate Members will be issued an invoice by the CVA.


    Lifetime Membership

    The CVA may confer an Honorary Lifetime Membership on a person in recognition of outstanding contribution in the fields of education, training or competency development. Lifetime Members receive the CVA Newsletter.

    Dr. Donald Glendenning
    Dr. Glendenning is the Founding President of Holland College in Prince Edward Island. His passion is education, which he views as the act helping people learn new attitudes, skills and knowledge in order to thrive on the road of life. He began teaching at age 17 in a one-room school. Along the way he was a teacher, principal, Teacher Trainer, and Training Consultant with Department of Labour in Ottawa. He is a graduate of the New Brunswick Teachers College, and the New Brunswick Institute of Technology. He also studied at the University of London (Eng.) and holds degrees from Bradley University in Peoria Illinois and Indiana University. He is president of a new group, Education 20/20 Inc. whose interest is a quality education for every Canadian. After retirement he formed his own consulting firm with projects in Canada, Africa, Pakistan, China and South East Asia. Don Glendenning is a CVA Honorary Life Member.
    Lawrence Coffin
    Larry Coffin was one of the first instructors hired by Prince-Edward Island's new Holland College in 1969. Larry continued as instructor and administrator of vocational and technical programs until 1990. In 1970, Larry was instrumental in the design and development of a competency-based educational system utilizing the DACUM model of occupational analysis as its foundation in the development and delivery of programs. In the early 1990s at the request of the CVA, he authored and published a DACUM Facilitator training manual which has been used by the CVA in their training program for DACUM facilitators. Over the years, Larry facilitated more than 400 DACUM analyses and was considered the leading DACUM expert until his full retirement in 2006. Larry Coffin is a CVA Honorary Life Member.
    Wayne Wilson
    Wayne Wilson always embraced the idea of “lifelong learning” even before the term became popular, He grew up amongst a community of learners and exceptional academics. He enjoyed both schooling and learning which led to a career in teaching. Wayne holds degrees in Literature, History, and Education from Carleton, Queens and Ottawa Universities. He taught for 35 years at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Wayne helped develop the Teachers/Trainers of Adults Diploma Program at Algonquin and acted as coordinator for 8 years helping over 500 adult education practitioners complete a self-directed, competency-based program of study. Wayne has been actively involved in the CVA for several decades as Member, Board Member, and President. Wayne Wilson is a CVA Honorary Life Member.