>> | Haiti.
Building Haiti through training and employability programmes
a reaction to the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010, the
international community has pledged multi-billion US$ support programmes.
However, the country will only be able to harvest this massive support if it
finds qualified professional and technical staff for implementation.
Tags: Skills development; Haiti; Employability; Article; Source: ILO - International Labour Organization; |
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How Effective Are Workforce Development Programs? Implications for U.S. Workforce Policies
this paper, the authors describe the programs that encompass workforce
development and then examine the evidence and conventional wisdom on the
effectiveness of workforce development programs, elaborating on the arguments
outlined above that challenge the conventional wisdom and the approaches that
have been applied in measuring the effectiveness of workforce development
interventions. They conclude by summarizing the arguments and evidence in
support of an alternative view that counters the conventional wisdom and finds
that workforce development works.
Tags: Workforce development; Paper; US; Source: University of Texas; |
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After Law School, Associates Learn to Be Lawyers
schools have long emphasized the theoretical over the useful, leaving law firms
fairly resigned to training their hires how to actually practice law.
Tags: Target group: Lawyers; Training - workplace; Education - higher; Law school; Article; Source: NY Times; |
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Training workers to leave for a better job
and training entry-level employees costs more than spending money on programs
that keep existing staffers around longer. And training is one of the best
benefits a company, even a small one, can offer.
Tags: Workplace; Article; Training; Best practice; Source: CNN; |
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Start-up soup
companies offer practical business skills, turning college grads into project
specialists. We can argue about the value of education, but large companies are
good at offering practical business skills - turning college graduates into
project managers, marketers, human-resources specialists and the like. These
jobs may not generate revenues directly, but they are part of the structure
that enables people to run companies effectively and benefit from economies of
Tags: Skills - business; Training; Article; Source: Al Jazeera; |
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Globalization and the Demand-Side of Politics. How globalization shapes individual perceptions of labor market risk and policy preferences
to the global economy strongly conditions how individuals perceive their labor
market situation and influences whether they support or oppose policies related
to labor market risk.
individuals experience the highest levels of labor market risks and therefore
are most likely to favor policies that mitigate such risks. In contrast,
high-skilled individuals benefit from exposure to the global economy. Exposure
to globalization decreases perceptions of labor market risk among high-skilled
individuals and consequently also reduces their willingness to support and invest
in policies designed to reduce such risks.
Tags: Paper; Risk perception; Globalization; Source: University of Heidelberg; Skills; Labour market; |
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Managing the Demand for Global Health Education
should be channelled to programs that promise sustained, rational, and
effective training and that cultivate the best available talent in all
settings. Global health training programs should be evaluated by the quality of
the experience for trainees from all settings and by the incremental improvement
in in-country care, infrastructure, and/or research.
Tags: Paper; Lower-income countries; Training programs; Target group: Health personnel; Source: PLoS Medicine; |
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Skills at Work
with the printing industry stakeholders, the guides and tools included in the
suite enable employers and employees in the industry to use the Skill Standards
on the job to assess skills, identify gaps and ultimately develop an on-the-job
training strategy to ensure employees have the skills they need to thrive.
Tags: Skills standards; Field: Printing industry; Canada; Document; Source: Canadian Printing Industries Sector Council; |
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Social Networking Sites and Adult Literacy Learning
social networking can contribute to adult education? Acknowledging the rapid pace
of change and the ubiquity of digital technologies in today's society, the
authors argue in favour of integrating Social Networking Sites in adult
literacy learning, taking into account the learners' social and individual
needs. The paper considers factors such as social and civic engagement,
marginalization, self expression, the digital divide and a culture of digital
engagement, digital citizenship, and other important issues.
Tags: Digital divide; Digital literacy; Informal learning; Education - adult; Social media; Document; Canada; Trend; Source: AlphaPlus; |
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Creating Diversity and Career Opportunities in the Skilled Trades
report focuses on eight programs that connect visible minority/racialized
groups with employers in the skilled trades.
Tags: Target group: Foreign workers; Skills; Canada; Document; Source: CAF - Canadian Apprenticeship Forum; |
>> |
Europe and Central Asia.
Skills, Not Just Diplomas: Managing Education for Results in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
boom years in the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia region exposed
significant bottlenecks to growth, particularly with respect to the skills of
the labor force. Paradoxically, for a region with relatively high and expanding
educational attainment and relatively high-quality education in the early years
of schooling, a shortage of worker skills has emerged as one of the most
important constraints to firm expansion.
Tags: Skills shortage; School-to-work transition; Central Asia; Eastern Europe; Document; Source: World Bank; |
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Putting Higher Education to Work: Skills and Research for Growth in East Asia
Asia's higher-income countries have made spectacular gains in higher education
delivery over the past few decades. But the low-and middle-income countries are
struggling to replicate the standard bearers' success. This is partly due to
fewer resources in hand, but also to governments' poor management and
stewardship of the sector.
Tags: Skills development; Employability; Education - higher; East Asia; Document; Source: World Bank; |
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ICT Teacher Effectiveness
ICT Competency Framework for Teachers is aimed at helping countries to develop
comprehensive national teacher ICT competency policies and standards, and
should be seen as an important component of an overall ICT in Education Master
Tags: Framework; Curriculum; Teaching standards; Training - ICT; Target group: Teachers; Document; Education policy; Source: UNESCO; |
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Literacy for Life: Further Results from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey
insights into the factors that influence the formation of adult skills in
various settings - at home and at work - for the eleven countries participating
in the first and last round of data collection. The study offers comparative
evidence on the impact of various factors on the supply of skill. It also
offers a special focus on numeracy skills and problem solving skills. It
explores the relationships between numeracy and key socio-demographic factors
as well as labour market outcomes and earnings.
Tags: Statistics; Skills; Literacy - adult; New Zealand; the Netherlands; Hungary; Australia; Mexico; US; Switzerland; Norway; Italy; Bermuda; Canada; Document; Source: Statistics Canada; |
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Distance Learning for Health: What Works - A Global Review of Accredited Post-Qualification Training Programmes for Health Workers in Low and Middle Income Countries
document summarises findings of a global review whose aim was to identify
patterns of success and impact, and outline likely trends in the nature and
provision of distance learning for health in low and middle income countries,
hence informing future policy, research and investment in distance learning for
health workers.
Tags: Document; Best practice; Field: Health; Education - eLearning; Target group: Health personnel; Middle-income countries; Lower-income countries; Source: LIDC - London International Development Centre; |
>> |
Canada/Nova Scotia.
Workplace Education
Education programs operates as a partnership between the Nova Scotia government
and employers to help increase skills, retain workers and provide tools to
build confidence and productivity. Workplace education helps businesses learn
skills to innovate and compete.
Tags: Government program; Web site; Nova Scotia; Video; Training - workplace; Canada; Source: Government of Nova Scotia; |
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How employable are today's graduates?
and the skills graduates need in today's job market.
Tags: UK; School-to-work transition; Employability; Podcast; Source: University of Warwick/Institute for Employment Research; |
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Preparing to Manage - Skills and Practices
free online course in an introduction to essential business management skills
and practices. This course is ideal for business professionals who are working
in established companies and who want to prove a basic competency and knowledge
of business management matters, and also to learn more about successful
business management skills and practices.
Tags: Course - open access; Field: Business; Target group: Business professionals; Skills development; Training - workplace; Source: Alison; |
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Quality in education and training
present glossary of terms on quality in education and training is meant to
promote communication and understanding. It is intended for researchers,
experts and all those involved in improving the quality of learning curricula,
learning providers and education and training systems.
English, French and German.
Tags: VET - vocational education and training; Glossaire; Glossary; Source: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training; |
LinkedInJoin the Canadian Vocational Association / Associationcanadienne de la formation professionnelle in LinkedIn. Becomea member in the group and share your ideas, your experiences and your resourceswith the other members of the community. |