July-August 2021
18 to 22 October 2021, in FrenchDACUM II Training Module: DACUM and CBT Program Development Facilitator
27 September to 1st October 2021, in English
29 November to 3 December 2021, In French
DACUM Plus: Overview of a Competence Management Model
8 October 2021, in English
19 November 2021, in French
IN FOCUS : Microcredentials
Canada. Making Sense of Microcredentials
A microcredential is a representation of learning, awarded for completion of a short program that is focused on a discrete set of competencies (i.e., skills, knowledge, attributes), and is sometimes related to other credentials.
En français. Canada. Donner un sens aux microcertifications
(Source: HEQCO – Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario)
The Growing Trend of Microcredentials
While the microcredential could present an attractive business solution for the post-secondary sector, is it at risk of over-promising and under-delivering?
(Source: The Evolllution)
Opportunities and Obstacles: Microcredentialing in Higher Education
Microcredentials have become an emerging need in higher education and it’s critical for institutions to adapt their structures to be more flexible and agile in this demanding market.
(Source: The Evolllution)
The Growing Recognition of Microcredentials
Microcredentials are an essential customer service strategy for higher education institutions to remain relevant and support their learners.
(Source: The Evolllution)
Shifting Paradigms. Understanding Institutional Perspectives on Microcredentialing
This research highlights the perspectives of institutional leaders on the value and place of alternative credentials. It also highlights the obstacles standing in the way of scale and growth.
(Source: Modern Campus)
Re-Engaging and Preparing Learners with Microcredentials
Most learners today are adults looking for opportunities to upskill and reskill to stay relevant in the workforce. Higher education needs to adapt to a more flexible model to meet the needs of this growing demographic.
(Source: The Evolllution)
Being Mindful with Microcredentials for the Lifelong Learner
People want and need to be able to seamlessly upskill and reskill during their careers, and higher ed can meet this need through microcredentials that are aligned with industry demands.
(Source: The Evolllution)
Facing Obstacles When Developing Microcredentials
Continuing Education has often operated in silos. With the greater need for short-term credentials, institutions need to look at a microcredential framework to meet demands of the modern learner.
(Source: The Evolllution)
For Canada to have effective training and education policies, it needs to properly classify and define skills and link them to occupational data.
(Source. Policy Options)China. Enhancing TVET teachers’ capacity to develop students’ generic green skills: a work-based learning model for professional development of teachers
This paper considers how TVET educators respond to the reorientation of the curriculum towards Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through the inclusion of generic green skills in a green module that was delivered by one TVET institute in Hong Kong.
(Source. TVET@Asia)
Malaysia. Establishing Mobile Learning Elements using Competency-Based Education Framework
The development of wireless and mobile technologies has contributed to the use of mobile devices as a teaching medium in teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study is to explore Mobile Learning elements based on Competency-Based Education (CBE) in Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) field.
(Source. JTET – Journal of Technical Education and Training)
Pakistan. Effect of including global TVET worldview in TIMT (TVET Institute Management Training) on vocational institute management in Pakistan
Since January 2017, the TVET Sector Support Program (TVET SSP) has entered a new phase to support the Government of Pakistan in enhancing access, equity, relevance and quality in skills development.This had a phenomenal impact as the majority of participants were either completely unaware or had very little knowledge of the UNESCO TVET strategy, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), social inclusion, and demand -driven TVET.
(Source. TVET@Asia)
Taiwan. Challenges of Collective Inertia and Scarcity to Technological and Vocational Education Universities
The massification of higher education institutions in Taiwan, typically in universities of science and technology, creates competition for resources and currently threatens foreclosures in Taiwan’s higher education system. This paper attempts to stimulate a much-needed reflection that might pave the way for rational and empirical efforts to transform higher education in Taiwan.
(Source. Journal of Technical Education and Training)
Uganda. Practices and strategies for enhancing learning through collaboration between vocational teacher training institutions and workplaces
The findings revealed a need for involving actors in timely planning and disseminating the activity plans, increasing duration for collaborative activities as well as involving the students in the tracking of vocational pedagogy (MVP) activity record in fostering the institutional capacity to plan and implement collaborative activities.
(Source. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training)
Africa. Computer science can help Africans develop skills of the future
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of these skills for the future in education policies, very few education systems have adapted to this reality. On the African continent, where 60 percent of the population is under age 25, the teaching of 21st century skills will be necessary for Africa to transform itself into a continent of growth and opportunity. If young people do not learn how to use and create with technology, they are sure to fall further behind.
(Source. Brookings Institution)
Development of Mobile Application Framework Based on Competency-Based Education for Technical and Vocational Education
Implication from this research could be used as guidance in the development of instructional mobile application, particularly in the Technical and Vocational Education and as an instrument for evaluating existing instructional mobile applications.
(Source. Journal of Technical Education and Training)
Everyone is within learning distance: Building skills remotely
With careful design and implementation, remote capability building provides an effective lifeline for organizations adapting to entirely new ways of working.
(Source: McKinsey)
For training and education systems and workforce development strategies to succeed, educators, employers, students (etc.) must understand the future of the labour market. How many jobs will be needed? Where will the jobs be, and what education and training levels will be required? To add to this complexity, while education remains a fundamental pillar of workforce development, data and information on skills are now considered essential to ensuring the country’s future success. Accordingly, anticipating Canada’s future skills needs is a key consideration in this regard.
En français. Canada. Comment prévoir les compétences recherchées : une introduction
(Source. Future Skills Centre)Finland. Case study on finnish TVET: a resilient model of training during COVID-19
Finnish TVET, created as a hybrid solution combining school-based, work-based and online-based learning environments, remained responsive and functional throughout the difficult time in spring 2020. To urgently improve the resilience of education, this case study emphasizes the necessity to improve system-level flexibilities across all levels and all types of TVET, including alternative modes of delivery and hybrid learning opportunities, as the one size fits all approach increases rigidity and redundancy of education and training.
(Source. UNESCO)
Africa. Competency-based approach to technical and vocational education and training in Africa: study based on seven African countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa: synthesis report
This study has identified good practices and their use for making the CBA more effective in TVET systems, as well as the difficulties encountered in introducing or sustaining this approach. Particular attention has been paid to identifying the turning points (positive or negative) that characterized the process for implementing the CBA, in order to draw the lessons learned from them.
En français. Afrique. Approche par les compétences dans l’enseignement et la formation techniques et professionnelles en Afrique: études à partir de sept pays d’Afrique : Afrique du Sud, Bénin, Éthiopie, Ghana, Maroc, Rwanda et Sénégal: rapport synthèse
(Source. UNESCO)
Africa. African Economic Outlook 2020 : Developing Africa’s Workforce for the Future
Africa’s economic outlook continues to brighten. Its real GDP growth, estimated at to 4.1 percent in 2021.Fostering more inclusive growth would also require building Africa’s human capital and creating more jobs in high-productivity sectors. To do so, countries should seek to integrate education and skill development strategies into their economic development plans, while upgrading and expanding education and training programs to strengthen worker employability and firm productivity. That requires measures to improve both the quantity and the quality of education.
En français. Afrique. Perspectives économiques en Afrique 2020 : Former la main d’œuvre africaine de demain
(Source. African Development Bank)
Europe. Spotlight on VET, 2020 compilation
This publication provides an overview of VET systems with their distinctive qualities, such as main accession and progression routes for learners; types and levels of qualifications they lead to; types of programmes, delivery modes, work-based learning ratio and duration. In addition to the system charts, it also briefly reflects on current challenges and recent VET policy initiatives.
(Source. Cedefop – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020: Technology and the future of jobs
The report discusses the implications of technological change for the nature of jobs available to young people. It focuses on shifts in job characteristics, sectors and skills, as well as examining the impact of technological change on inequalities in youth labour markets.
(Source. ILO – International Labour Organization)
Employment Impact Assessment (EmpIA)
EmpIA is a process to assess the employment potential and impacts of sectoral policies and investments.
(Source. ILO – International Labour Organization)
En français. Évaluations de l’impact sur l’emploi (EIE) dans les programmes d’investissement en infrastructure
Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of work
The research identified a set of 56 foundational skills that will benefit all citizens and showed that higher proficiency in them is already associated with a higher likelihood of employment, higher incomes, and job satisfaction.
(Source. McKinsey)
Find the right tools to assess or upgrade your skills.
En français. Canada. Compétences pour réussir – outils d’évaluation et de formation
(Source. Gouvernment of Canada)
Case summaries to provide examples of how competency models have been successfully used.
(Source: CareerOneStop)How to choose my future profession ? A step-by-step guide for job seekers
This guide presents in a simple and practical way, the stages of the reflection to be carried out to make a choice of profession. It can be used as a workbook to be completed directly. Intended for autonomous job seekers, it can also be used as a support tool by counselors at employment agencies around the world.
En français. Comment choisir mon futur métier? Guide pas-à-pas destiné aux chercheurs d’emploi
(Source. ILO – International Labour Organization)