September-October 2021
IN FOCUS: Going Digital
and new schedule for 2022
DACUM I : DACUM Analysis Facilitator
DACUM II : Facilitateur de développement de programmes
de formation par compétence
DACUM Plus : Aperçu du modèle DACUM de gestion des compétences
DACUM I : Facilitateur d’analyses DACUM
14 to 18 November, in Toronto, Ontario
DACUM II Training Module: DACUM and CBT Programme Development Facilitator
DACUM II : Facilitateur de développement de programmes de formation par compétence
25 to 29 April. Virtual, in English
17 to 21 October in Calgary, Alberta, in English
22 to 26 November in Montréal, Québec. Virtual, in French
DACUM, Apprentissage virtuel, eLearning, Enseignement professionnel
– Pierre Morin, CHRP and DACUM Expert Practitioner
– Virginie Chartrand, Assistant Director Continuing Education, Collège Ahuntsic
This paper presents the findings of research concerning the readiness and prevalence of Botswana Private Tertiary Education Providers (BAPTEP) for using online teaching platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source. TVET@AsiaIndonesia. Digital Transformation Trends in Vocational Education in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Vocational teachers gravitate more towards free, easy-to-use, engaging platforms and require little effort and preparation to operate. They also need flexibility and variations to use digital platforms to adjust the lesson to their capabilities, and the student needs accordingly.
Source: JTET – Journal of Technical Education and TrainingNigeria. Planning and Designing Online Vocational Skill Showcasing Platform: From an Educational Perspective
This paper identified emerging development in utilizing information technology towards the forceful dispersal of information relating to vocational skills.
Source: JTET – Journal of Technical Education and TrainingPalestine. Towards E-learning in TVET: Designing and developing an E-Competence Framework (E-CF) for TVET teachers in Palestine
This paper explores the Palestinian government’s new plan and mechanism for integrating e-learning in TVET, particularly by equipping TVET teachers with e-learning competencies. It also examines and analyzes TVET teachers’ current practices, attitudes and success stories in implementing e-learning since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source. TVET@AsiaThailand. How Work-Based Learning can be supported by Online Teaching for Multi-Site Industries
In this study programme, the Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL) cooperates closely with companies to offer its students a combination of work-based learning (by employing students as trainees in the company) and online teaching (provided by the University).
Source. TVET@AsiaE-learning is one of the Trends for Future Education
The use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-learning. E-learning can also be termed as a network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge, and the delivery of education is made to many recipients at the same or different times.
Source. Lucubrate MagazineThe Integration of Digital Methods in Education
The digital world is increasingly penetrating the education and skills domain. Technology has gradually been used to deliver education, knowledge, and skills in new and innovative ways. However, the technology doesn’t aim to replace teachers, only to complement them.
Source: Lucubrate Magazine
Managers can help team members put their learning into context by providing study time and informal guidance before and during the courses. Having employees pilot courses for one another helps ensure relevance and quality. And tracking completion reinforces the value of learning while increasing the odds that people will stick with their coursework.
Source. Harvard Business ReviewMentoring and skill development in e-Internships
Many employers experiment with virtual working modes for project-based work. Virtual internships are one such mode that is gaining increasing popularity worldwide, particularly e-internships that require remote working with employers.
Source. Journal of Work-Applied Management via EmeraldThe workplace as a place of learning in times of digital transformation – models of work-related and work-based learning and in-company concepts
This article presents models of WBL that reflect the proximity to the workplace, the quality of work with regard to its conduciveness to learning, and in-company learning concepts
Source. TVET@Asia
Source.ERVET – Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
Source. NCVER – National Centre for Vocational Education ResearchCanada. Lessons learned: The pandemic and learning from home in Canada
The Survey was designed to explore Canadians’ experiences with the changing nature of work, including technology-driven disruptions, increasing insecurity and shifting skills requirements.
En français. Canada. Leçons apprises : La pandémie et l’apprentissage à domicile au Canada
Source. Future Skills CentreFinland. Case study on finnish TVET: a resilient model of training during COVID-19
Finnish TVET created as a hybrid solution combining school-based, work-based and online-based learning environments, remained responsive and functional throughout the difficult time in spring 2020.
Source. UNESCOAfrica. Towards decent work for young refugees and host communities in the digital platform economy in Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Egypt
This report explores job creation in the gig economy from the unique experiences and perspectives of youth and refugees, as well as from the viewpoint of digital labour and e-commerce platforms, digital training providers, start-up incubators, social partners, and policymakers.
Source. ILO – International Labour OrganizationConceptualising and implementing hybrid learning models: challenges and opportunities from New Zealand, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and India
Do digital skill certificates help new workers enter the market?
This paper studies the effects of a voluntary skill certification scheme in an online freelancing labour market. It shows that obtaining skill certificates increases a worker’s earnings.
Source. OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world
The report offers one of the first comparative studies of working conditions at five of the major, global, online micro-task platforms.
En français. Les plateformes de travail numérique et l’avenir du travail: Pour un travail décent dans le monde en ligne
Source: ILO – International Labour Organization
Digitalization of national TVET and skills systems: Harnessing technology to support Lifelong Learning
This report describes and updates the picture of digital vocational education and training, providing an overview of the issues surrounding digitalisation across the key functional areas of skills systems.
Source: ILO – International Labour Organization
Source. IJRVET – International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
EdTechTools was designed to help decision makers at all levels in the global education and training community find resources that facilitate and support remote learning.
Source. EdTech Hub
This toolkit provides policymakers and other stakeholders with practical information, examples, and step-by-step guidance to develop a national digital skills strategy.
En français. Kit pratique sur les compétences numériques
Source. ITU – Int’l Telecommunication UnionTraining Manual on Instructional Design for E-Learning Courses
Guiding document for a trainer in conducting training activities related to designing of e-learning courses in TVET.
Source. Colombo Plan Staff CollegeUnderstanding technological change and skill needs
The world of work is being impacted by a fourth industrial revolution, transformed by artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. With forecasts suggesting large shares of workers, displaced by automation, in need of upskilling/reskilling, the design of active skills policies is necessary.
Guide 1. Skills surveys and skills forecasting
Guide 2. Big data and artificial intelligence methods
Guide 3. Technology and skills foresight