Canada. Bridging the school-to-work transition for youth
This learning bulletin explores in greater depth the challenges and uncertainty many young adults experience while making the transition from school to work, focusing on how to best support and provide opportunities to young people in their journeys.
En français. Canada. Faciliter la transition entre l’école et le travail pour les jeunes
Source: Future Skills Centre
Canada. Supporting Public Health Human Resource Planning: A Survey of Canadian Universitiesʹ Public Health Training Programs
This report is intended to inform current discussions regarding the training capacity of Canadian universities’ public health programs and the implications for public health workforce planning, while drawing attention to some activities that can strengthen Canada’s public health workforce capacity.
En français. Canada. Soutenir la planification des ressources humaines en santé publique : enquête sur les programmes de formation en santé publique des universités canadiennes
Source: Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Canada. Shaping the Future of Work in Canada: Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
This public opinion research helped build understanding of key needs and expectations among workers emerging as a result of the experience of working through the pandemic. Since remote work is here to stay, and increasingly workers are seeking remote or hybrid work, policy discussions are needed to outline best practices for employees and workers.
En français. Canada. Façonner l’avenir du travail au Canada : Au-delà de la pandémie de COVID-19
Source: Future Skills Centre
Canada. High-quality training programs needed to weather labour market disruptions
Enhancing EI-funded (Employment Insurance) training programs would improve their uptake and help workers who earn little or are vulnerable to job loss and precarious work.
En français. Canada. La formation pendant l’assurance-emploi doit être rendue plus accessible
Source: Policy Options
Africa. Digital Africa: Technological Transformation for Jobs
The report shows that broader use of productivity-enhancing, digital technologies by enterprises and households is imperative to generate such jobs, including for lower-skilled people. At the same time, it can support not only countries’ short-term objective of postpandemic economic recovery but also their vision of economic transformation with more inclusive growth.
En français. Afrique numérique. Transformation technologique pour l'emploi
Source: World Bank
Europe. The future of vocational education and training in Europe
The research has shown that the development of VET does not necessarily form an unbroken chain leading in one direction but can be interrupted by changes of course and even reversals in policy and practice. The future of VET is still unwritten. This report aims to provide a stimulus for developing future research in this area.
Source: CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Refugee HE enrolment rises almost halfway to 2030 target
Global enrolment of refugees in higher education increased from 1% in 2019 to 7% in 2023, almost reaching the halfway mark towards the UNHCR target of at least 15% enrolment by 2030 (the ‘15by30’ target). In 2022, the top countries of origin include South Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Yemen and Iraq. The top fields of study include medical science and health, social and behavioural sciences, engineering, mathematics and computer sciences, natural science, education science and teacher training, law, and agriculture, forestry and fishery.
Related report. DAFI annual report 2022 – 30 years of DAFI
Source: UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees via University World News
Upskilling and reskilling for the twin transition: The role of social dialogue
The twin transition – which describes the move towards a more digitalised and at the same time more environmentally sustainable economy – is changing how we work, where we work and what we work on. The publication delves into the role of social partners in equipping workers with the necessary skills so that they can adapt to a rapidly changing environment and, ultimately, pave the way for inclusive and sustainable growth.
Source: The Global Deal
Building Future-Ready Vocational Education and Training Systems
This report zooms in on four key dimensions of future-ready VET systems: i) responsiveness to changing skill needs; ii) the flexibility to make VET work for all; iii) the ability to support transitions into a changing labour market and further learning; iv) the potential of digital technology to innovate VET design and delivery. For each of these dimensions, the report presents a set of key questions that policymakers and other VET stakeholders should consider when re-engineering VET to make it more future-ready, as well as insights from data and international examples of policies and practices.
Source: OECD – Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development
A New Pedagogy is Emerging from Pandemic Teaching: 10 Key Elements
As the pandemic continues to have an impact on all our lives, colleges and universities now face new challenges. Whether these relate to finances, shifting market demand for programs and courses, student retention, changing demographics, managing in an age of uncertainty in which COVID-19 continues to pose a risk to health and well-being, or new regulatory environments, the future no longer looks like a straight line from the past.
En français. L’enseignement pendant la pandémie donne naissance à une nouvelle pédagogie : 10 éléments clés
Source: Contact North
Skills development and climate change action plans: Enhancing TVET's contribution
Climate change is an ongoing process that cannot be avoided. Tools have been proposed to deal with climate change on adaptation and mitigation. Strengthening national and international awareness of and commitment to reducing the impact of climate change has become the only viable option to ensure the sustainability of life on Earth. The paper summarizes key information that helps assess the ongoing and potential contribution of TVET to the realization of climate change action plans.
Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning
The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching. The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success.
Source: Anthony William (Tony) Bates via Pressbook