CVA/ACFP Newsletter
September-October 2022
DACUM I Training Module : DACUM Analysis Facilitator
DACUM I : Facilitateur d’analyses DACUM
14 to 18 November, in Toronto, Ontario. In English
DACUM II Training Module: DACUM and CBT Programme Development Facilitator
DACUM II : Facilitateur de développement de programmes de formation par compétence
21 to 25 November in Montréal, Québec, in French
For more information on DACUM :
Austria, Denmark and Germany. The Role of Vocational Education and Training in the Integration of Refugees in Austria, Denmark and Germany
To access and complete VET, refugees depend on supporting measures to overcome a variety of barriers, e.g. regarding language training and access to apprenticeships. Overall, reforms in Germany demonstrate promising initiatives to overcome the barriers to the integration of refugees in VET, while reforms in Austria and Denmark have limited refugees’ opportunities to access and complete VET.
Source: IRJVET - International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
Germany. Vocational training choice from a regional perspective
Motivated by discussions of skill mismatches on local German vocational educational and training (VET) markets, this paper analyses how occupational segments of VET entry of individuals with lower and intermediate secondary school degree relate to local labor market characteristics.
Source: ERVET - Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
Palestine. Students Professionalism in Secondary Vocational Schools in Palestine: Strengths and Shortcomings of Work-Based Learning Practices
This paper argues that the lack of a regulatory framework presents a difficult challenge to secondary vocational schools. Similarly, there are no official arrangements with the private sector and, most importantly, there is a dearth of efficient WBL practices that link students with the market to provide students not only with professional competencies, but also with social and personal competencies.
Source: TVET@Asia
Spain. “Laying bricks to build integrated career guidance plans”: Best practices in vocational education and training in Andalusia, Spain
One of the first conclusions of the study is the uneven development of best practices in the different VET professional pathways. The practices carried out in the centres begin to incorporate different elements and thus facilitate the creation of a suitable context for the development of comprehensive career guidance plans in VET.
Source: Frontiers in Psychology
EU. The importance of being vocational: challenges and opportunities for VET in the next decade
This paper aims to inform the next steps in VET policy-making at EU level. It puts forward key challenges and opportunities for VET which have emerged from the intelligence, research and evidence collected over the years by the two agencies, each within its own remit and geographic scope.
Source: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
Expand vocational education and training, demands OECD
Tertiary education rates have reached a record high as labour markets drive the growing need for advanced skills, but much more needs to be done to expand vocational education and training (VET) and tackle low completion rates on degree courses, particularly among male students, according to the 2022 Education at a Glance global survey.
Source: University World News
Canada. The Labour Market of Tomorrow: Projections From the Model of Occupations, Skills, and Technology (MOST)
New labour market projection tool, MOST generates detailed occupational and industry-level projections for every region in Canada.
En français. Canada. Le marché du travail de demain : Prévisions du Modèle des professions, des compétences et des technologies
Source: The Conference Board of Canada
Canada. Lost opportunities: measuring the unrealized value of skill vacancies in Canada
In Canada, skills vacancies represent $25 billion in unrealized economic value, an increase from $15 billion in 2015. Rising job vacancy numbers, higher wages, and changes in the types of available jobs have all contributed to this increase. Our research examines skill deficiencies in the workforce, what those skills are worth, and how much economic value is being lost, to help illuminate the needs and requirements for Canadian labour, education, and immigration policy-makers.
En français. Canada. Le coût économique des compétences des postes vacants : les compétences sont précieuses et recherchées
Source: Future Skills Centre
Canada/Québec. First Nations Labour and Employment Development Survey
The survey aims to paint a portrait of the workforce and employment situation among First Nations communities in Quebec. The results will provide decision-makers and key community stakeholders with access to quality and evidence-based data. The results can also contribute to informed decision-making regarding labour and employment development issues within the communities.
En français. Canada/Québec. Enquête sur le développement de la main-d’œuvre et de l’emploi chez les Premières Nations
Source: FNQLHSSC - First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission
Africa. The Future of Work in Africa : Harnessing the Potential of Digital Technologies for All
The book focuses on the key themes of creating productive jobs and addressing the needs of those left behind. It highlights how global trends, especially the adoption of digital technologies, may change the nature of work in Sub-Saharan Africa by creating new opportunities and challenges.
En français. Afrique. L’avenir du travail en Afrique : Exploiter le potentiel des technologies numériques pour un monde du travail plus inclusif
Source: The World Bank
Africa. Digital transformation of TVET and skills development systems in Africa: state of play and prospects
The study takes stock of the state of play in the digitalization of technical and vocational education and training (TVET), the demand for which has, until now, largely concerned manufacturing labour, but which is becoming pressing in the field of high digitalization.
En français. Afrique. Transformation digitale de l'EFTP et des systèmes de développement des compétences en Afrique : état des lieux et perspectives
Source: UNESCO
Europe. Teachers and trainers in a changing world. Building up competences for inclusive, green and digitalised vocational education and training (VET): Synthesis report
The report points to the different types of VET teachers and trainers in Europe; their evolving and complex role in mastering new technologies, supporting the integration of refugees, identifying and supporting learners at risk of early leaving, and understanding changing labour market needs, to empower and equip students with skills for the future.
Source: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
Preparing Vocational Teachers and Trainers: Case Studies on Entry Requirements and Initial training
Drawing from policies and practices in Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway, this report focuses on entry requirements for the VET teaching and training profession to ensure quality and consistency; and initial education and training for VET teachers and trainers to ensure that they are well-prepared when taking up their role.
Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Curriculum globALE: competency framework for adult educators
Toolkits for TVET providers
This online platform provides TVET stakeholders and practitioners with information on, and access to, online, free-to-use toolkits. The purpose of this database is to bring the many and varied toolkits into one place and to provide a guide and resource for:
-TVET practitioners seeking a ready-made guide or self-assessment tool on themes such as digitalization, greening and inclusion; and
-researchers and policy makers seeking to design new organizational assessment tools for their TVET providers.
Making lifelong learning a reality: a handbook
This handbook provides information, evidence and basic conceptual models to facilitate the adoption of lllin national and local settings. It provides evidence from diverse initiatives and describes some of the contemporary issues to which lifelong learning responds – including how it shapes the 2030 agenda for Sustainable development.
Source: UNESCO
21st-Century Skills That Every Learner Needs
The term 21st-century skills encompasses a broad set of knowledge, habits, and character traits that educators, employers, and others find essential to succeed in today’s world. The list of 21st-century skills includes critical thinking, collaboration, leadership, and many other abilities needed in collegiate programs and modern workplaces.
Source: StudyCorgi
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