CVA/ACFP Newsletter
March-April 2023
May 2023 to March 2024
All workshops are delivered in virtual formal
unless demand would justify an in-person delivery
The CVA will be pleased to accomodate any organization requesting
an in-house delivery of its DACUM Training Modules
if such organization commits to registering a minimum number of individuals.
For more information on DACUM :
It is our great pleasure to announce that our long-time colleague, Mr Boubakar Savadogo, has become Burkina Faso’s Minister of Sports, Youth And Employment.
Mr Savadogo was the very first francophone in Africa to complete the CVA DACUM Facilitator and Trainer Certification Programmes. Since then, he has conducted numerous training workshops on behalf of the CVA and acquired an exceptional reputation for his ability to share his experience and transfer his expertise as trainer and facilitator. Mr Savadogo also served as a CVA Board Director from 2018 until last year.
We offer him our best wishes in this new endeavor.
Tim Loblaw, Chair
Canadian Vocational Association
January 31 2023
Canada. Why Canada needs an information tool linking training, skills, and jobs
Many Canadians will need some kind of training to ensure they have the skills needed to succeed in their current job or to find a new one. However, as of today, Canada has no information system that would help workers in need of reskilling to find suitable education and training options that could provide sought-after skills.
Source: IRPP – Institute for Research on Public PolicyKenya. How do Vocational Teachers Learn? Formal and Informal Learning by Vocational Teachers in Kenya
The limited use of active learning methods that involve critical evaluation of practices and their outcomes risks limiting the ability of vocational teachers in Kenya to transform and adopt better practices. It is recommended that vocational teachers in Kenya be encouraged to adopt a broad conception of teacher continuing professional development (CPD) that embraces collaborative, reflective, and practice-based learning.
Source: IJRVET – International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
Myanmar. Awareness, Perception and Preparation of TVET Students, Teachers and Managers for Industry 4.0 in Myanmar
Today, every industry is calling for their workforce to develop new skill sets due to the dynamic of technological change. Every country needs to prepare its Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector for providing the required skills in the new industrial revolution (IR4.0). It is vitally important to assess TVET academics’ awareness and perceptions of IR4.0 and to ascertain how prepared they are to strategically and effectively manage work-based learning. Which factors have an influence on the situation?
Source: TVET@Asia
South Africa. TVET qualification no golden highway to a job, students say
TVET colleges in South Africa are viewed as the Cinderella of the post-school education and training sector with reports of poor infrastructure, high failure rates and incoherence in the qualifications of lecturers plaguing them. Furthermore, there is a stigma of low standards attached to these colleges with calls for the recapitalisation of the sector.
Source: University World News
Development of Assessment Forms for Vocational Education
Development of assessment forms in vocational education helps educators to plan the education, teach and evaluate their students. Assessment is also essential for helping students to develop their professional and personal skills. Assessing students’ progress, success and competency in vocational education are essential for educators and employers.
Source: Lucubrate Magazine
International Curriculum Comparison in Vocational Education and Training: A Collaborative Development of an Analysis Instrument
Developing an analysis framework for a cross-cultural comparative investigation of such a diffuse and heterogeneous construct as the competence-based approach, can pose a methodological challenge for an international team of researchers. However, an effective application of own team resources such as proficiency in different languages, insider and outsider perspectives, along with continuous intensive communication and a flexible, iterative research process, allows development of a well-adapted analysis instrument for international comparison.
Source: IJRVET – International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
Health worker education during the COVID-19 pandemic: global disruption, responses and lessons for the future—a systematic review and meta-analysis
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted health worker education, inflicting a substantial mental health burden on learners. Its impacts on career choices, volunteerism, pedagogical approaches and mental health of learners have implications for educational design, measures to protect and support learners, faculty and health workers, and workforce planning. Online learning may achieve learner satisfaction as part of a short-term solution or integrated into a blended model in the post-pandemic future.
Source: Human Resources for Health
Profiles of TVET teachers and trainers across the globe: Perspectives and reflections of a TVET practitioner
This article examines different profiles of TVET teachers and trainers at a global level and provides an insight into the TVET teachers at the centre of the ongoing discussions and reforms. It provides a context for the important discussions on these key actors in TVET. The article presents some data on the population of TVET teachers and trainers according to criteria such as: job title; gender; age; career stage; global region; vocational area; level of education; pre-service training; in-service training; involvement in industry; and dual professionalism.
Source: TVET Journal
Canada. Empowering People for Recovery and Growth: 2022 Skills Survey Report
Key takeaways:
-COVID-19 has shifted the skills employers are looking for. While human skills, such as communication, empathy, and the ability to work well with others, are still as critical as ever, the demand for technical skills is growing.
-Employers are generally confident about their ability to hire and replace workers, but opportunities exist to find new ways to recruit, train, and develop future workers, including recruiting more recent immigrants.
-Canada’s leading employers are looking to post-secondary institutions to produce new graduates with the skills they need, and are willing to work with them to ensure that graduates are equipped to succeed.
-Employers view work-integrated learning (WIL) as the best way to develop, recruit, and transition new graduates into the workplace.
-Companies continue to invest in employee training and development, despite the added costs of the pandemic.
-Canada’s businesses are willing to pay for worker upskilling and reskilling, but many signal they are struggling to develop tailored programming. Opportunities exist for increased collaboration with post-secondary institutions to address these needs.
Source: Business + Higher Education RoundtableCanada. Employer-sponsored skills training: A picture of skills training opportunities provided by Canadian employers
Employer-sponsored training is a critical component of Canada’s overall skills development landscape, which includes formal and informal education and skills training. It helps bridge gaps between formal education and the specific skills required in workplaces, including gaps that emerge from technological, regulatory, and other economic and social changes.
En français. Canada. La formation parrainée par l’employeur : Un panorama des possibilités de formation professionnelle offertes par les employeurs canadiens
Source: Future Skills CentreCanada/Ontario. Rethinking Employment and Training In a Post Pandemic Ontario
This report highlights the challenges faced and lessons learnt by Employment Ontario (EO) providers in transitioning from in-person to remote service delivery and how this could be applied in a post pandemic world of learning and training.
Source: TWIG – Toronto Workforce Innovation Group
Canada/Ontario. The future is micro: Digital learning and microcredentials for education, retraining and lifelong learning
eCampusOntario has developed, in collaboration with its partners, the Micro-credential Principles and Framework as a foundation for building microcredential projects in Ontario. This work has played an important part in efforts to build a consensus of definition in Canada and to address current needs in the emerging Canadian microcredentials ecosystem. The Principles and Framework is designed to bridge gaps in stakeholder understanding and create a unified microcredential ecosystem in Ontario.
En français.Canada/Ontario. L’avenir est dans les micro-titres de compétences : apprentissage numérique et micro-titres de compétences pour l’éducation, la rétention et l’apprentissage permanent
Source: Future Skills Centre
Asia-Pacific Countries. Learner-centred teaching in technical and vocational education and training: perspectives and reviews of six Asia-Pacific Countries
Extensive prior research explores how to develop good TVET systems. However, while a learner-centred pedagogy is promoted in primary, secondary and higher education systems, there is limited information on how to implement the specificities of this pedagogy in TVET institutions, especially in Asia-Pacific. To address this gap and to support the preparation of its 2022–2024 work plan, the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education implemented a study on learner-centred TVET teaching in Asia-Pacific.
Source: UNESCO
Europe. The future of vocational education and training in Europe
This report presents a holistic approach to understanding and comparing vocational education and training (VET) systems. The framework introduces 50 dimensions for analysing VET systems, as well as parts of them, structured according to three overlapping main perspectives: epistemological and pedagogical, education system, and socioeconomic or labour market. The framework is particularly suited to ‘clearing the ground’ for policy work and provides a model for how research can support policy. This model can be flexibly adapted and applied in any comparative research or international policy learning activity related to VET.
Sub-Saharan Africa. Education and skills for women’s integration into the labour market: a comparative analysis of eight sub-Saharan African countries
This paper seeks to shed light on the current challenges faced by eight selected sub-Saharan African countries, namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, in achieving the integration of women into the labour market through education and training.
This paper aims to present a diag-nosis of women’s situation in terms of their integration into the labour market. It will focus mainly on the role played by educa-tion and training in attaining gender parity and identify practices that will potentially address the marginalization of women in the labour market.
Source: UNESCO
Equipping Health Workers with the Right Skills
The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated the long-standing skills shortages in the health workforce across countries. Equipping health workers with the right skills is essential to respond to future health crises, to prepare for increasing use of digital technologies, and to plan for demographic change. The report provides a comparative overview of practices in 16 countries to anticipate future skill needs in the health workforce, and of how such information is used by policy makers and social partners to foster a better alignment with labour market needs. Analysis is based on interviews with institutions that are responsible for anticipating skill needs in the health workforce, a virtual peer-learning workshop and desk research.
Source: OECD – Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development
Podcast. The Changing Role of Learning Development Through Microcredentials
Bite-sized learning is gaining traction as modern learners are looking for quick ways to upskill and reskill in the workforce. What’s needed is a collaborative and creative approach to shifting how programming is developed, and how it’s translated to employers.
Source: Modern Campus
Searchable Directory of Online, Open & Distance Learning Associations and Consortia Throughout the World
Non-exhaustive list of online, distance and open learning associations and consortia around the world, providing links to web sites (if available) to widen access to the valuable information offered by each. The directory is an ongoing initiative which we will, with your help, update with additions and corrections.
Source: Contact North
Mind-Mapping for Training Design
Mind-mapping is a visual brainstorming technique you can use to tap into the power of the brain, look at a subject in its entirety and organize around key learning objectives. It is a tool that helps linear and lateral thinkers expand their sightlines beyond what comes naturally. Learn to mind-map and you’ll energize your training design and delivery!
Source: Training Magazine Network
2023 International Vocational Education and Training Association conference
in Phoenix 29 November to 2 December 2023
The IVETA Conference Theme and Sub-themes
TVET’s role as a full partner in workforce development to support economic development, and employment generation for general and at-risk populations.
– TVET partnerships with the private sector
– TVET partnership with economic development agencies
– TVET partnerships and programs for general and at-risk populations
– Evaluation of the employment outcomes and net impact of TVET for general and at-risk populations
– Defining global competencies for workforce development
The IVETA International Conference is being planned in cooperation with the annual US Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE) Conference. The joint conference provides IVETA members with the opportunity to: (i) share information at IVETA presentations and events; (ii) meet and attend some of the 300 presentations on all technical areas & levels by a number of the 6000 TVET professionals at the ACTE conference; and (iii) visit the expo of over 200 exhibits of TVET goods/services, etc.
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