Australia. Delivering high-quality VET: what matters to registered training organisations (RTO)?
The research finds that definitions of quality depend on an RTO’s purpose, mission, student characteristics and operating context. RTOs use a wide range of information and data to build a comprehensive picture of delivery quality throughout the student life-cycle or learning journey, although the measures used varies by RTO type and size.
Source: NCVER - National Centre for Vocational Education Research
Canada. Industry 4.0, the future of work and skills: Building collective resources for the Canadian aerospace industry
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic—and the devastating impact it has had on the airline and aerospace industries—the recovery of the industry will have to rely more than ever on the collaboration of all stakeholders for the production of collective resources. It is essential for the industry to be at the technological forefront of product and process innovation. Canada needs a long-term strategy to achieve productivity and cost-cutting, while also creating good jobs and high-quality work through I4.0.
En français.
Canada. Industrie 4.0, l’avenir du travail et des compétences: Renforcer les ressources collectives de l’industrie aérospatiale canadienne
Source: Future Skills Centre
Canada. Skills Training That Works: Lessons from Demand-Driven Approaches
Doubts about the usefulness of spending public dollars on skills training are based on outdated perceptions stemming from past evaluations of large-scale training programs whose methodology is now being questioned. To better align Canada’s skills development systems with employers’ needs and changing labour markets, the authors recommend that policy-makers actively explore the feasibility of applying these models in the Canadian context; test and scale up those that show promise; and commit to learning what works.
Source: IRPP - Institute for Research on Public Policy
Canada/Ontario. Who Grants Degrees? An Overview of Ontario’s Evolving Credential Landscape
The report charts the influences that have shaped Ontario’s credential offerings at colleges and universities over the past several decades.
En français.
Canada/Ontario. Qui décerne les grades? Survol du paysage évolutif des titres de compétences en Ontario
Source: HEQCO - Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Canada/Québec. Training Mutuals in Quebec: A Model to Be Strengthened or Emulated?
In the past few years, skills development for working age adults has become increasingly important, especially in the context of technological change and an aging population. To improve the resilience and mobility of the workforce and increase business productivity, governments must address the barriers to training, such as lack of funding and fear of losing employees to competitors.
En français.
Canada/Québec. Les mutuelles de formation au Québec : un modèle à renforcer ou à imiter ?
Source: IRPP - Institute for Research on Public Policy
Trends mapping study - Digital skills development in TVET teacher training
The study’s findings – in terms of data, policy trends and identification of good practice examples – offer guidance to governments and TVET institutions that wish to improve teachers’/trainers’ acquisition of digital skills, as well as their capacities and propensities to apply digital tools, services and technologies to deliver quality, learner-centred education and training.
UNESCO Strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training 2022-2029 adopted at Executive Board
In accordance with 212 EX/Decision 7, the Director-General submits to the Executive Board a draft strategy to support technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the Member States in the period 2022 to 2029. Any financial and administrative implications related to the present document will be borne within the framework of 41 C/5.
En français.
La Stratégie de l’UNESCO pour l’enseignement et la formation techniques et professionnels 2022-2029 a été adoptée au Conseil exécutif
Source: UNESCO