Canada. Making Canada’s skills-development system up-to-date and more effective should be evidence-based and grounded in top-quality research
The topic of skills development for working-age adults seems to take centre stage when labour markets face a new “unprecedented challenge” – be it new technologies or changing demographics – only to disappear from media headlines soon after the hype dies down. This time, however, because of the impact of COVID-19, the need for new skills is driven by an
ongoing reallocation of labour across economic sectors and jobs, as some sectors lay off thousands of workers while others create new jobs. As many people
consider changing careers due to the pandemic, the reallocation trend promises to continue for some time.
Source: IRPP - Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Malaysia. Inmates' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) and Entrepreneurship Training Program
Issues on crime and unemployment among ex-inmates contribute to recidivism in the country even though they were given technical and vocational (TVET) and entrepreneurship trainings by the prison authority. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the perception of inmates in prison on the effectiveness of TVET and entrepreneurship training.
Source: JTET - Journal of Technical Education and Training,
Nigeria. Social Media: A Platform for Effective Instructional Delivery of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programmes
This study was carried out in Enugu State , Nigeria to determine Social media as a platform for effective instructional delivery of TVET programmes in Public Universities in Enugu State. The result revealed that social media is a useful platform for effective TVET delivery but TVET lecturers utilize social media to a low extent. The researchers recommended among others that TVET lecturers should update their skills in the use of social media and also, TVET institutions should upgrade social media facilities in their various institutions for effective utilization in TVET delivery.
Source: IJELD - International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
EU. Vocational education and training as a life jacket
Young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) are absent both from the labour market and the education sector, thus facing a high risk of professional, digital and social exclusion.
Source: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
What if women built the world they want to see?
Only four percent of construction workers are female -- that's totally unacceptable, but it's also a huge opportunity both for women and for the trades, says youth educator and builder Emily Pilloton-Lam. She makes the case for putting power (and power tools) into the hands of young women and gender-expansive youth, dreaming of inclusive construction sites and daring to ask: What if women built the world they want to see?
Source: TED Talks
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Conceptual Map: A Bibliometric Analysis
The article is divided into two parts. The first deals with keyword frequencies in TVET in refereed publications and, on this basis, in which countries and institutes TVET research is most common. The second part makes a contrast between some of the most common focuses of these research projects and other themes that have attracted less attention. Through these means, the author makes a point that there is still a lot of work to do on the realities and potentialities of TVET and research into it.
Source: Journal of Asia Pacific Studies
Partnership for developing TVET
We are looking at the Skills Gap for Infrastructural Development. One huge question is how do we provide human resources for the industry? How can we bridge the skills gap?
The article focus on three main topics:
- firstly, we will frame partnership development in the context of essential requirements for
developing an effective TVET system.
- Secondly, we will highlight the partnership of the industry, the educational organizations, and the Government.
- After that, we will give an example of a way of building the partnership.
Source: Lucubrate Magazine
Micro-credential innovations in higher education: Who, What and Why?
This paper offers new empirical evidence on the current offer of micro-credentials across OECD jurisdictions, and provides an account of what is known about the costs and benefits of short learning programmes offered by higher education institutions.
Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development