Canada. Employer and Employee Perceptions of Microcredentials and Quality of Work
This study evaluates emerging evidence on microcredentials and examines how employers and learners assess their value as a measure of quality of work.
En français. Résumé. Canada. Perception par les employeurs et les employés des microcertifications et de la qualité de l’emploi
Source: Future Skills Centre
Canada/Québec. The Geography of Higher Education in Québec, Canada
Québec is mobilised to become an innovation and entrepreneurial leader in North America, giving higher education institutions (HEIs) a central role in this drive.
En français. Canada/Québec. La géographie de l’enseignement supérieur au Québec, Canada
Source: OECD- Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development
UK. Raising the Standard: Sectoral approaches to raising apprenticeship achievement rates
This report attempts to explore the underlying detail behind headline achievement rates across a range of sectors and levels, based on our assertion that only by understanding this finer level of detail can we begin to address what interventions might be required to improve the achievement rates and perceived standards of apprenticeships.
Source: AELP – Association of Employment and Learning Providers
Brazil, India, Jamaica, Kenya and Tunisia. Enhancing TVET through digital transformation in developing countries
To understand how digital transformation in TVET is occurring, the report analyses it at four levels: technical and technological development; curriculum and qualifications; teaching and learning using technology; and its contribution to the sustainability and resilience of societies.
Source: UNESCO
Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden. Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training
These reports describe how entrepreneurship competence is embedded in vocational education and training (VET). It complements existing knowledge with examples of methods, tools and approaches that can help policy-makers, VET providers and other stakeholders build better entrepreneurial learning ecosystems.
Austria; Croatia; Finland; France; Italy; Latvia; Spain; Sweden
Africa. Youth Employment and Skills (YES) Perspectives: A series on Youth Employment and Skills policies
The policy briefs identified what needs to be done to enhance secondary and technical and vocational education and help Africa’s young people step up their skills for today’s and tomorrow’s jobs.
Source: ACET – African Center for Economic Transformation
Africa. Building pathways to sustainable growth
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has the potential to support full and productive employment, enhance productivity and structural transformation, and accelerate sustainable development by equipping youth and adult workers with the skills needed in fast-changing labour markets. Nevertheless, many African countries’ TVET systems struggle to meet labour market demands and the aspirations of people due to a lack of effective linkages between TVET systems, institutions and social partners.
Source: ILO – International Labour Organization
Europe. The future of vocational education and training in Europe
The report examined how vocational education and training (VET) has changed since the mid-1990s, and how this may influence future opportunities and challenges.
Shaping Digital Education: Enabling Factors for Quality, Equity and Efficiency
This report seeks to guide governments in shaping digital education. Offering a range of perspectives for governments and education stakeholders, it analyses enabling factors that can support quality, equity and efficiency in the use of digital technologies in education systems. It provides a comprehensive review of current trends and emerging policies, covering school education, vocational education and training (VET) and higher education, highlighting pathways to support a cohesive and holistic policy framework for digital education.
Source: OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
International trends of lifelong learning in higher education
This report presents six case studies of universities in different regions of the world and offers insights into the practical implementation of lifelong learning in the higher education context. It examines regulations and strategic frameworks that support universities’ commitment to lifelong learning, describes how they are responding to new learning demands, and provides examples of specific programmes and initiatives that promote lifelong learning. The report also discusses the challenges these institutions face and how they are addressing them.
En français. Les établissements d’enseignement supérieur doivent évoluer pour devenir des porte-flambeaux de l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie
Source: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Building Better Formal TVET Systems: Principles and Practice in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The report brings together global knowledge on Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET) reform to develop a common understanding on the promise of TVET in advancing employment and productivity. The report also looks at lessons learned from TVET reforms, including from the COVID-19 pandemic, and offers a way forward toward more impactful and coordinated support of TVET systems in the future.
Source: World Bank, ILO, UNESCO