CVA/ACFP Newsletter
January-February 2023
March 2023 to March 2024
All workshops are delivered in virtual formal
unless demand would justify an in-person delivery
The CVA will be pleased to accomodate any organization requesting
an in-house delivery of its DACUM Training Modules
if such organization commits to registering a minimum number of individuals.
For more information on DACUM :
Canada. The Year Ahead: Education in 2023
This year, Canada’s colleges and universities will welcome an influx of students from all over the globe—which is one way to inject some young talent into the country’s rapidly aging workforce. Universities incorporating Indigenous education, inflated post-secondary grades and student protests are in store.
Source: Maclean's
Canada. Work skills must be central to Canadian immigration efforts
A skills-based approach to immigration and improving newcomer settlement will narrow the gap between workforce demands and labour supply.
Source: Policy Options
Europe. Looking back to look ahead: what is the future for VET in Europe?
In the current fast-changing education and labour market landscape, there is a need to promote more learner-centred strategies and to build bridges between initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET).
Source: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Higher Education Trends to Watch for in 2023
Better job prospects, higher income potential, and advancement opportunities are more obtainable for those who graduate from a higher education institution. The field of post-secondary education is responsible for preparing a large part of the upcoming workforce and, as such, leaders in the field should be made aware of imminent trends.
Source: Fierce Education
Looking ahead to 2023: Here’s what’s in store for higher education
Giving students access to instruction, focusing on impact and promoting student outcomes are key for administrators in K-12 and higher ed alike.
Source: University Business
Trends and future expectations in the year 2023 in the education and Skilling industry
These trends will offer more opportunities for people to access quality education and training, and will ultimately help to improve the quality of the workforce. The new and innovative technologies are being adopted to cater the needs of the students and to make the overall learning process more engagement, interactive and efficient. The stage is already set for innovation to reimagine the future of learning, with its worth predicted to reach USD 30 billion over the next 10 years.
Source: CXOtoday
ChatGPT: Educational friend or foe?
ChatGPT is a conversational bot responsive to users’ questions in ways that allows it to search large databases. Used in the right way, it can be a friend to the classroom and an amazing tool for our students, not something to be feared.
Source: Brookings Institution
See also ChatGPT: Everything you need to know about OpenAI's GPT-3 tool
What is ChatGPT and how does it work?
Source: BBC
Vocational and skills training programs to improve labor market outcomes
While vocational and skills training programs have had mixed results, those that included practical experience, soft-skills training, and job referrals often increased the hours worked and earnings of people who were targeted. Vocational training programs often helped trainees acquire hard skills and certify and communicate those skills.
Source: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
A Meta-Analysis of the E-Learning Influence on Vocational Education and Training (VET): Preliminary Study of Virtual to Actualization
This study aims to analyze the effect of e-learning on VET learning, the factors that support its success, and its role in practical learning performance. This research was a quantitative study with a meta-analysis approach. A total of 18 articles on e-learning in VET learning were selected as samples. The data is analyzed by determining the effect size value. The main finding of this study indicates that e-learning has a significant influence on VET learning.
Source: Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST)
Canada. Skills development for innovation and growth: Insights from global initiatives
Insights from three skills for innovation training initiatives which can inform the design and operation of models in Canada. As this briefing and the case studies reveal, well-designed and operated skills for innovation initiatives can improve the skills and well-being of workers and the strength and growth of dynamic regional economic sectors.
En français. Canada. Compétences en matière d'innovation : Études de cas internationaux
Source: Future Skills Centre / Centre des Competences futures
Australia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden. The Landscape of Providers of Vocational Education and Training
This report looks at the VET provider landscape in Australia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. It provides insights into the number of different providers by country, their focus areas and target populations. It describes how providers are different and how they overlap, as well as structures and initiatives to foster co-ordination between them.
Source: OECD - Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development
Europe. The future of vocational education and training in Europe
Volume 1 The changing content and profile of VET: epistemological challenges and opportunities
Volume 2 Delivering IVET: institutional diversification and/or expansion?
Volume 3 The influence of assessments on vocational learning
Source: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Europe. Green Skills in VET
The report focuses on the needs of providers of services of general interest (SGI) operating in the water, energy, and transport sector in selected countries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal). The research also investigated the possible cooperation between vocational education and training (VET) institutions.
En français. Europe. Compétences vertes dans l’enseignement et la formation professionnels
Source: SGI Europe
The Future of Education
A study across 24 countries on the future of education. The result is a three-part global report highlighting insights from around the world.
Preparing for a new future
As educators work to equip students with the skills and mindsets they’ll need to navigate massive change, the experts we interviewed discussed how and why they’re rethinking the role of education.
Evolving how we teach and learn
Find out how recent technological advances are evolving how we think about teaching and learning from a one-to-many model to a more personal approach to learning.
Reimagining learning ecosystems
Learn how educators are taking a more systemic approach to transformation, by reimagining the education ecosystem around the learner.
Source: Google Education
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