DACUM Workshop in Calgary, 27-31 January 2020
“During the last week of January, I had the pleasure of conducting the Canadian Vocational Association DACUM Analysis Facilitator’s (DACUM I) 5-day training workshop at the Bow Valley College, in Calgary, AB.
Sixteen people were present, a plurality of teaching and learning specialists and a few senior managers. A large but very much engaged group.
Although the CVA’s DACUM I Module has invariably received high praise over the years, this group came forward with suggestions that will no doubt further enhance its quality and effectiveness Our sincere thanks to these participants. “
Pierre Morin, CVA certified DACUM Trainer and Coordinator, February2020
The testimonials of 3 participants
Louise Edward on her experience
Click here to see her live video
“Expert facilitators guided us through the experience of analyzing the skills and tasks of several job types. It helped me think about facilitation in addition to process”.
Trevor McIvor, Bow Valley College, Calgary, AB
“If you want to better understand roles / jobs within your organization or want to be able to train people to fill these roles, DACUM is an outstanding process to go through.”
To know more about the CVA DACUM program
or communicate with Mr Pierre Morin, DACUM coordinator at dacum@cva-acfp.org