CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – Special Issue on DACUM, November 2017
2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the DACUM model.
DACUM, the acronym for Developing A CUrriculuM, is a methodology originally designed and implemented in Canada as a holistic system for organizing, delivering instruction and managing the learning process. Its competency analysis component (DACUM analysis) is recognized on all continents as best practice to identify and describe competency-based occupational standards.
To celebrate this important milestone, the Canadian Vocational Association (CVA) November Newsletter will entirely be dedicated to DACUM.
The main focus will be on the past (a retrospective), present (the current state of affairs), and future (prospective analyses) of DACUM and Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET). The CVA also wishes this Special Bulletin to include critical analyses of DACUM and CBET, and comparative analyses with other approaches and methodologies.
In addition to offering a collection of articles, papers and studies, the CVA is calling for contributions from DACUM practitioners in any part of the world who want to share their thoughts and insights on this methodology.
If you are interested in making a contribution, the requirements are listed below:
-Include a title
-Indicate your name, employer, position, and your professional online visibility (web page, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
-Provide a short summary
-Organize with appropriate subheadings
-Number all pages
-Make your copy easy to read by using short words and short sentences
-Conform to standards of correct English
-When making a reference, use the footnote option for the title, author, link, etc.
-This article should be limited to approximately 2000 words
-The article must be online and the link provided
Please submit your article to the CVA reading team at no later than 15 October 2017.
N.B. CVA holds the right to decide if a submitted article will or not be published in this Special Bulletin.
More on DACUM