CVA-ACFP Newsletter
August 2017

Special Newsletter DACUM, November 2017

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the DACUM model.
To celebrate this important milestone, the CVA November Newsletter will entirely be dedicated to DACUM.

The CVA is therefore calling for contributions from DACUM practitioners in any part of the world who want to share their thoughts and insights on this methodology.

If you are interested in making a contribution, please see the requirements here

  • October 2-5, Calgary, AB
  • October 16-19, St-John's, NL
  • November 6-9, Saskatoon, SK
  • November 13-16, ON
For more information on DACUM : here


England. Careers work in England's schools: politics practices and prospects
This article provides a five-year historical synopsis of how central government policies are impacting on careers work in England’s secondary schools. It shows attempts to reshape and re-engineer careers provision for young people, through an evolving careers experiment.
A contribution of Dr Deirdre Hughes, OBE Web page Twitter 
Tags : England; Government policy; Paper 2017; Policy - government; School-to-work transition; Source: Dr Deirdre Hughes;


Brazil & USA. Occupational Choice and Matching in the Labor Market
The paper shows that the recent decrease in aggregate Brazilian earnings inequality is largely due to the increase in her educational attainment over the same years. A simulation of skilled biased technical change in the model also qualitatively fits the recent changes in earnings inequality in the United States.
Tags : Brazil; Mismatch training/workforce - skills; Paper 2017; Skills - mismatch training/workplace; Source: IZA – Institute of Labor Economics; United States of America;

Canada. The Future of Learning and Training
This paper explores some of the driving changes impacting learning and training from the lens of the employee and employer, and looks at new technologies. As agents of change in the job market as well as in the learning and training industries. Innovations in the field of education, either in K-12, post-secondary or professional development, are considered as possible pioneering achievements that could eventually be applied and adopted more broadly. The goal of this document is to explore possible new models of learning and training in order to assist in developing forward looking policy.
En français. Canada. Le futur de l’apprentissage et de la formation
Tags : Canada; Paper 2016; Source: Government of Canada/Policy Horizons; Training - trend; Trend - training;

Canadian youth and full-time work: A slower transition
Families across the country often discuss the job prospects of young people and how these prospects have changed since the days of their parents and grandparents. These conversations can be full of anecdotes and questions about generations past. How have the employment opportunities of young women changed since Canada's Centennial in 1967? Can a young man still follow in his father's footsteps and get a full-time job out of school? Can young people expect to make more than their parents did when they were young? The transitions to the labour force have slowed as young people spend more time in school or training, and then enter a workforce that has changed significantly over seven decades.
En français. Canada. Les jeunes Canadiens et le travail à temps plein : Une transition plus lente
Tags : Article 2017; Canada; Employment - youth; Source: Government of Canada/Statistics Canada; Statistics 1946-2015; Youth - employment;

Finland. Towards the enhancement of school-based VET in Finland
School-based vocational education was considerably enhanced in Finland during the rebuilding period that followed the Second World War. Prior to the turn of the millennium, the Finnish VET was mainly organised by vocational schools, with few links between education and working life. In the 2000s, on-the-job learning (work-related learning) and vocational skills demonstrations were incorporated into the VET curriculum. The systematic development towards the world of work has changed the position of VET and increased its interest among applicants in recent years.
Tags : Finland; Paper 2017; Source: VOCEDplus; VET - vocational education and training;

Europe. NEET: “Time to Look at the Whole Picture of Youth”
A very high numbers of young people are neither in education or training nor in employment. In thirteen out of 18 countries covered in the study, more than one in every four young people between 15 and 29 years old are not in education or in employment. The study shows that the risk of becoming NEET increases with age: it is lowest for the 15-19 age group, higher for 20-24 year olds and the highest for 25-29 year olds.
Tags : Article 2016; Europe; NEET - not in employment - education or training; Source: NORRAG - Northern Research Review and Advisory Group; Youth 15-29;

In Pursuit of Equality: A Framework for Equity Strategies in Competency-Based Education
This paper seeks to unpack the concept of equity, review key equity strategies that have been developed to serve historically underserved student.
Tags : Competence - based education; Education - competence-based; Equity; Paper 2017; Source: Competency Works;

To Better Train Workers, Figure Out Where They Struggle
What company would spend thousands — or even millions — of dollars, year in and year out, without knowing the return? When it comes to training and workforce development, lots of them.
Tags : Article 2017; Return on investment (ROI); ROI - Return on investment; Source: Harvard Business Review; Training - workplace; Workplace - training;

Canada. 13 Ways to modernize youth employment in Canada
We depend on our young people to build and support the economy for the next generation. When changes to the nature of work and social conditions make it difficult for them to gain a solid foothold, the very foundation of our society is threatened. On the surface, there may not appear to be a problem when it comes to the labour market participation of Canada’s youth, a population of 6.8 million people between the ages of 15 and 29. Among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, Canadian youth are more likely to be employed than their peers. At the same time, the labour landscape is being redefined at a dizzying pace. New and emerging technologies, demographic change and globalization are profoundly changing the way work gets done, and what the jobs of the future will require of our youngest workers.
En français .Canada. 13 voies pour moderniser l’emploi des jeunes au Canada
Tags : Analysis - comparative; Canada; Comparative analysis; Employability - youth; Employment - strategy; OECD countries; Report 2017; Source: Government of Canada/Employment and Social Services of Canada; Statistics 1981-2014; Strategy - employment; Youth - employment; Youth 15-29;

Canada. If at First You Don’t Succeed: Toward an Adult Education and Training Strategy for Canada
While Canada’s education and training system does a fairly good job in producing highly educated workers, often it does not provide sufficient support to meet the learning needs of adults who may be working but require a “second chance.”  
Tags : Adult education; Canada; Education - adult; Report 2015; Source: IRPP - Institute for Research on Public Policy;

Canada/Ontario. Student Success ePortfolio: Student, Faculty and Employer Perspectives on the Value of ePortfolios in Assessing the Development of Essential Employability Skills
By assembling a digital record of a student’s skills and academic accomplishments, ePortfolios have the potential to improve educators’ assessments of students and the ability of students to clearly communicate and connect with employers. But are they effective?
En français. Portfolio électronique de la réussite scolaire : points de vue des élèves, des enseignants et des employeurs sur l’intérêt que présentent les portfolios électroniques pour évaluer l’acquisition des résultats d’apprentissage relatifs à l’employabilité
Tags : Apprenticeship; Canada/Ontario; Employability; Portfolio; Report 2017; School-to-work transition; Source: HEQCO - Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario;

UK. Apprenticeship standards
The standards show what an apprentice will be doing and the skills required of them, by job role. Standards are developed by employer groups known as ‘trailblazers’.
Tags : Apprenticeship - standards; Resources; Source: Government of UK; Task - descriptions; United Kingdom;

New Zealand. Chaos to capability: educating professionals for the 21st century
Evidence indicates that conventional university education inadequately equips graduates for the complexity they will confront upon entry into their careers and their needs, both locally and globally for initiative and self-direction, creativity, and collaboration.
Tags : Book 2015; Education - higher; New Zealand; Source: VOCEDplus;

The Africa Competitiveness Report 2017
The working-age population in Africa is expected to grow by close to 70 percent, or by approximately 450 million people, between 2015 and 2035. If current trends continue, only about 100 million of them can expect to find stable employment opportunities. Countries that are able to enact policies conducive to job creation are likely to reap significant benefits from this rapid population growth. Those that fail to implement such policies are likely to suffer demographic vulnerabilities resulting from large numbers of unemployed and/or underemployed youth.
Tags : Africa; Annual report 2017; Employment trend 2035; Source: World Economic Forum; Trend - employment 2035;

Southern Africa Regional Forum On Technical And Vocational Education And Training (TVET), 5–6 December 2016
The meeting had the following objectives: 1) To share the results of different Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP) studies examining specific elements of the TVET system in Malawi; 2) To share good practices, within the region as well as internationally, on the specific elements covered by the identified challenges and opportunities; 3) To formulate recommendations for STEP interventions in Malawi; 4) To identify priority regional action points that can help strengthen TVET in Southern Africa.
Tags : Africa/Southern Africa; Malawi; Report - meeting; Report 2016; Source: UNESCO; VET - review;

OECD Skills Outlook 2017 Skills and Global Value Chains
The report shows how countries can make the most of global value chains, socially and economically, by investing in the skills of their populations. Applying a “whole of government” approach is crucial. Countries need to develop a consistent set of skills-related policies such as education, employment protection legislation, and migration policies, in coordination with trade and innovation policies.
En français (résumé). Perspectives de l’OCDE sur les compétences 2017 / Compétences et chaînes de valeur mondiales
Tags : Annual report 2017; Development - skills; OECD countries; Skills - development; Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development;

Progress report on the preparation of the Draft Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications
The main aim of adopting a Global Convention is to establish an international normative instrument on recognition with global scope.
En français. Rapport sur l'élaboration de la Convention mondiale sur la reconnaissance des qualifications de l'enseignement supérieur
Tags : Diplomas - equivalence; Education - higher; Equivalence - diplomas; Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications; Higher education; Report 2017; Source: UNESCO;

Getting Skills Right: Good Practice in Adapting to Changing Skill Needs
This report identifies effective strategies to tackle skills imbalances, based on five country-specific policy notes for France, Italy, Spain, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Tags : Best practice; Development - skills strategy; France; Italy; Report 2017; Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; South Africa; Spain; Strategy - skills development; United Kingdom;

Massive List of MOOC Providers Around The World
It’s been more than five years since online education got a massive boost when three free online courses, all taught by Stanford professors, launched in October 2011. Each of these courses has had over 100,000 students. Soon after that, Coursera, edX, and Udacity were launched and the media started calling the courses provided by these websites “MOOCs”: Massive Open Online Courses. Since then more than 700 universities around the world have launched free online courses. By the end of 2016, around 58 million students had signed up for at least one MOOC.
Tags : Article 2017; Free online courses; MOOC - Massively Open Online Course; Resources; Source: Class Central;

Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management
This glossary of key terms in evaluation and results-based management clarifies the concepts and reduces the terminological confusion frequently encountered in these areas. In English, French and Spanish
Tags : Evaluation and results based management; Glossary; Resources; Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development;

Ready to Implement Competency-Based Education?
This Competency-Based Education (CBE) toolkit includes: Lessons learned in and around CBE implementation – from assessment practices to network infrastructure.
Tags : Competence - based education; Education - competence-based; Resources; Source: Education Elements; Toolkit;

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