CVA-ACFP Newsletter
June 2017
  • October 2-5, Calgary, AB
  • October 16-19, St-John's, NL
  • November 6-9, Saskatoon, SK
  • November 13-16, ON
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World Indicators of Skills for Employment (WISE) database
The WISE database provides a statistical snapshot of skills development in 214 countries. It contains 64 indicators in five broad areas: contextual factors; skill acquisition; skill requirements; skill mismatch; economic and social outcomes.
En français. Base de données des indicateurs mondiaux des compétences pour l'emploi (WISE)
Tags : Database WISE; Development - skills; Indicators - skills; Resources; Skills - development; Skills - indicators; Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; WISE database;


Canada. Overqualification, skills and job satisfaction
Based on a self-reported measure of overqualification, this article examines the association between overqualification and skills among workers aged 25 to 64 with a university degree. This article also examines the extent to which overqualified workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. Overqualified workers are defined in this study as university-educated workers who reported that they were in a job requiring no more than a high school education.
En français. Canada. 
Tags : Article; Canada; Overqualification; Source: Government of Canada/Statistics Canada;

Africa’s Youth Employment Challenge: New Perspectives, Volume 48 Issue 3
Who are the youth and what is the problem? Are entrepreneurship and self-employment the solution? And what about youth aspirations? Such questions are addressed in this issue drawing from the literature on how development research affects policy and noting that it says little about how young researchers move into policy engagement.
Tags : Africa; Articles - journal; Employment - youth; Ethiopia; Ghana; Journal articles; Kenya; Source: IDS - Institute of Development Studies; Uganda; Youth - employment;

Europe. Vocational pedagogies and benefits for learners: practices and challenges in Europe
This research paper examines the role played by learning outcomes approaches in pedagogical change in initial vocational education and training (VET) in 15 EU Member States.
Tags : Europe; Research paper; Source: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training; VET - pedagogy;

Management of knowledge in international VET: diversity of practice from Laos, Kuwait, and China
The focus of investigation was on the mechanisms, strategies, and tools deployed to enable Australian VET knowledge practices to respond to the needs of systems, training institutions, and individuals in these new contexts. This process of transfer and adaptation was explored through three case studies. On the basis of the empirical data analyzed in each model, a classification of transnational activities is proposed according to six dimensions of transfer activity – mechanism, drivers, key actors, purpose, context, and outcomes.
Tags : Australia; China; Kuwait; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Paper; Source: VOCEDplus; VET - vocational education and training;

Do We Have to Be Afraid of the Future World of Work?
There is considerable concern regarding the prospective development of employment levels and job types in the future. The paper tries to highlight major trends shaping the world of work in developed economies with the aim of giving a realistic account of probable developments and the contributions of different driving forces, importantly focusing on the role of actors such as policy makers, firms and individuals. While it is true that the future of work poses considerable challenges to actors at different levels, there is no need to be particularly worried.
Tags : Employment trend; Lower-income countries; Paper; Source: IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor; Trend - employment;

Work-based Learning for Youth at Risk: Getting Employers on Board
This paper looks at tools designed to help get employers on board for work-based learning, with an emphasis on work-based learning for youth at risk. International experience suggests that financial incentives, such as subsidies and tax breaks are not the answer. Attention should be focused instead on non-financial measures that improve the cost-benefit balance of apprenticeship to employers. These include adjusting key parameters of apprenticeship schemes, better preparing youth at risk for apprenticeship and providing support (e.g. remedial courses, mentoring) to youth at risk during apprenticeship.
Tags : Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Work-based learning; Working paper 2016; Youth - disadvantaged;

Vocational education and training: bridging refugee and employer needs
Problems with recognition of skills and qualifications are an issue for those who are unable to prove these. Vocational education and training (VET) programmes can help connect migrants with the labour market and find jobs matching their skills and qualifications.
Tags : Briefing note; Refugees; Source: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training; VET - vocational education and training;


Australia. Preparing young people for the future of work
Australia's education system is not preparing students for twenty-first century success. Young Australians are studying for longer than ever before but are disengaged and struggling to find permanent jobs. Young people entering technology-rich, global, competitive job markets need different skill sets to what our education system has traditionally valued.
Tags : Australia; Employment - youth; Employment trend; Report 2017; Source: Mitchell Institute; Trend - employment; Youth - employment;

Canada. Competency Charts and Profiles for Cultural Managers
These charts and profiles are designed to help you achieve your professional vision, by providing a map of the training needed to find success in your chosen field.
Chart of Competencies
En français. Canada. Chartes et profil des compétences pour les gestionnaires culturels
Charte des compétences
Tags : Canada; Competences - profiles; Culture; DACUM method; Managers; Method DACUM; Resources; Source: CHRC - Cultural Human Resources Council;

China. The impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries : evidence from China
The primary aim of this study is to understand whether VET at the high school level contributes to human capital development in one of those countries—China.
Tags : China; Education - secondary; Report; Secondary education; Source: World Bank; VET - vocational education and training;

England. Tech transitions: UTCs, studio schools, and technical and vocational education in England’s schools
Supporters of England's growing range of institutions for 14–19-year-olds – mainly university technical colleges (UTCs) and studio schools – are increasingly being challenged by those who argue that, on the whole, they are not working for pupils. We explore developments in this landscape, the consequences for the wider education system and assess the performance of these institutions.
Tags : England; Report 2017; Source: IPPR - Institute for Public Policy Research; Training - institutions/Community colleges; VET - vocational education and training; Youth 14-19;

Philippines. Employment and Skills Strategies in the Philippines
Skills represent a key driver of development and growth in the Philippines. Educational attainment of the Filipino population has steadily increased in recent decades, but while the country is regionally successful within Southeast Asia, it has yet to reach the standards of more developed countries.
Tags : Employment - strategy; Philippines; Report 2017; Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Strategy - employment; Strategy - skills development;

Switzerland. What key competencies are needed in the digital age?
The impact of automation and digitalisation on the world of work is likely to increase further in the years to come. The study discusses the associated effects on the Swiss labour force and highlights what competencies will be particularly sought after in the future. The study also looks into how the education system and companies should respond to these changes.
Tags : Automation; Report 2017; Source: Deloitte; Switzerland;

UK. Tackling post-Brexit labour and skills shortages
Tags : Brexit; Report 2017; Shortage - skills; Shortage - workforce; Skills - shortage; Source: CIPD - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; United Kingdom; Workforce - shortage;

USA. Fifty-State Scan of State Work-Based Learning Policies
Thirty-five states have policies in place that support apprenticeship and other kinds of work-based learning. The scan explains each type of work-based learning policy, identifies which states have work-based learning policies in place (including descriptions of those policies) and reveals which states have opportunities to adopt new policies.
Tags : Analysis - policy; Policy - analysis; Report 2017; Source: National Skills Coalition’; United States of America; Work-based learning;

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2017
This edition takes stock of the current global labour market situation, assessing the most recent employment developments and forecasting unemployment levels in developed, emerging and developing countries. It also focuses on trends in job quality, paying particular attention to working poverty and vulnerable employment.
Tags : Annual report 2017; Employment trend 2017; Source: ILO - International Labour Organization; Trend - employment 2017;

International Conference on Employer Engagement in Education and Training 2016
What difference does it make when employers work with education and training providers?  How can employer engagement best be delivered?
Research for Practice: Papers
Presentations and Videos
Tags : Apprenticeship; Australia; Career - guidance; Conference report 2016; Cooperation - international; Development - skills; Education - higher; Education - medical; Education - trend 2030; Employability; Employment - youth; England; Germany; Higher education; International cooperation; Iran; Labour market; Latin America and the Caribbean; Malaysia; Mauritania; Medical - education; Mentoring; Military; Mismatch skills/wages; NEET - not in employment - education or training; Open Badges; Paper; Providers- VET; School-to-work transition; Skills - development; Source: Education and Employers Taskforce; Spain; STEM - Science_technology_engineering_and mathematics; Sweden; Teachers - VET; Trend - education 2030; Turkey; Unemployment - youth; United Kingdom; VET - providers; VET - teachers; Video; Wages - mismatch skills/wages; Women; Work-based learning; Youth; Youth - employment; Youth - unemployment;

Guide to Workforce Skills Assessment Instruments
This guide reviews the principal instruments and surveys developed for assessing workforce skills. Its main objective is to consolidate the existing information and provide an overview of the different types of instruments available. It is also intended to help readers understand and navigate the vast universe of surveys and instruments for assessing skills in adults. For each instrument, it presents a general description, comparisons with other instruments of the same type, and an analysis of its applicability to the region.
Tags : Assessment - skills; Guide; Resources; Skills - assessment; Source: IADB - Inter-American Development Bank;

MOOC. OpenWHO to improve the response to health emergencies
OpenWHO is WHO’s new interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies. OpenWHO enables the Organization and its key partners to transfer life-saving knowledge to large numbers of frontline responders.
Tags : Free online courses; Health emergencies; Humanitarian workers; MOOC - Massively Open Online Course; Resources; Source: WHO - World Health Organization;

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