CVA-ACFP Newsletter
June 2016
  • October 3-6, Vancouver BC
  • November 7-10, Toronto, ON
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Evaluation of the UNESCO Thematic Area “TVET” (Technical and Vocational Education and Training)
The evaluation’s purpose is two-fold: (1) to assess progress achieved in the implementation of the current Strategy for TVET (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and cooperation with partners) and (2) to inform the proposal for a follow-up of the Strategy for TVET in view of lessons learned and of the global debate around the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.
En français Évaluation du domaine thématique de l’UNESCO «EFTP » (Enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels)
Tags : Document; Évaluation 2010-2015; Source: UNESCO; Target group: UNESCO; VET - vocational education and training;


Australia. Fully Integrating Upper-Secondary Vocational and Academic Courses: A Flexible New Way?
The tracking of students in upper-secondary school is often criticised for narrowing the career prospects of student in the vocational education and training (VET) track, which in many countries leads to the stigmatisation of VET courses. To tackle this problem, Australia blurred the lines between the two tracks by introducing VET courses that count to both a national VET qualification and university entry. In this study, we estimate the impacts of taking these courses on academic achievement and university entry using administrative data, propensity score matching and a decomposition method developed especially. We find that among those who intend to go to university, taking a VET course is associated with 5 percent lower academic achievement, due mainly to relatively weak achievement in VET, and an 8 percentage point lower chance of receiving a university offer. These findings tell a cautionary tale on the merits of integrating VET and academic courses.
Tags : Australia; Paper; Source: IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor; Vocational schools;

Bolivia. Why Commodity Booms Have Not (Yet?) Boosted Human Capital: Bolivia’s Struggle to Create a Skilled Workforce
The study finds that while the mining sector continued to seek unskilled, cheap labour, the capital-intensive hydrocarbon sector, for its part, developed on-the-job training programmes. Meanwhile, education policies failed to anticipate evolving demand from the labour market. As a result, vocational training suffered, a situation further compounded by efforts of powerful groups in the education sector to protect their own, somewhat narrow interests, at the expense of educational achievements. It concludes that the rise of private education and popular skills-based training programmes cannot substitute for development of a functional vocational training system, capable of supporting the country’s ambition to develop a world-class lithium processing industry with linkages in strategic sectors
Tags : Bolivia; Economics; Paper; Skills - development; Source: International Development Policy;

Canada. Brokering Success Improving skilled immigrant employment outcomes through strengthened government-employer engagement
Poor employment outcomes for skilled immigrants have long been a problem in Canada. Many government initiatives exist to support skilled immigrants, and the majority have focused on helping immigrants become “job ready” through programs such as language or bridge training. This paper asks which strategies and levers are used by all three levels of government in Canada to engage with employers to fill their talent needs and improve employment and economic outcomes of skilled immigrants. It also explores how these strategies can be improved.
Tags : Canada; Employment - strategy; Foreign workers; Research paper; Source: Mowat Centre;

South Africa. Developmental TVET Rhetoric In-Action: The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training in South Africa
This paper explores the extent to which latest developments in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training System in South Africa respond to key principles espoused for a developmental, democratic and inclusionary ideal. The White Paper represents a crucial strategy document intended to chart the TVET direction to 2030. Using key theoretical constructs from development theory, this paper provides an assessment of the TVET strategy contained is the paper and explores the extent to which it does respond to the agenda defined by the promise. It is argued that the challenges outlined are not yet able to provide the blueprint for a TVET transformative vision. It is concluded that while the development rhetoric contained in the paper is plausible, the creative tinkering of the system is unlikely to lead to the radical revisioning necessary for a truly transformative TVET system. The underlying assumptions regarding purpose, impact and outcome will need to be carefully reconsidered if the system is to be responsive to the promises of the democratic developmental ideal to which the government is committed.
Tags : Source: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training; South Africa; Trend - VET 2030; VET - development; VET - trend 2030; White Paper;

Togo. Technical and vocational education stakeholders’ perceptions on professional skills acquired in private "Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS)" schools in Togo
This study intends to analyze formal and implemented BTS curricula in Lomé (Togo). Results indicated that most curricula for BTS training were imported from foreign educational systems and implemented without any sectorial study regarding the needs of the labor market. This dysfunction was revealed through the degree of dissatisfaction expressed by the stakeholders surveyed. Our findings showed a lack of confidence in the quality of current BTS training programs by both the professional milieu and the students and employed graduates. In addition, the weak partnership existing between firms and BTS schools leads to difficulties in the finding, organizing and monitoring of internships.
Tags : Analyse; Curriculum - assessment; Paper; Source: Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education; Togo; VET - vocational education and training;

Bridging the Skills Gap in Developing Countries
One of the most effective ways to fight poverty and boost economic development is through job creation. About 200 million people are unemployed globally. As a result of demographic shifts, there will be a need for 600 million new jobs over the next 15 years to keep current employment rates stable, particularly in Africa and Asia. At the same time, many companies cannot fill positions because applicants lack the right skills, especially in developing countries.
Tags : Article; Lower-income countries; Skills - gap; Source: BCG Perspectives;

Argentina and South Africa. Understanding Barriers to Accessing Skills Development and Employment for Youth : Synthesis Report
The studies analysed three main issues: (1) the quality of the productive activities that youngster get, such as jobs, employment, volunteering, and learnerships; (2) policies regarding work preparation and deployment, including the conceptual approaches, guidelines and designs of implementation, their similarities, and contradictions; and (3) youth opportunities in the construction and wine production sectors. Emphasis was placed on knowledge of the relationships between the various actors within society, state, non-state, public and private national and international institutions.
Tags : Analysis; Argentina; Report; Skills - development; Source: NORRAG - Northern Research Review and Advisory Group; South Africa; Youth;

Canada. Engaging & Developing Talent with Competencies
This ebook looks at career development from a competency-based perspective and breaks down the key elements of a successful program. It includes a review of the latest trends and practical information on how to build a competency framework that supports engaging, self-directed career pathways. You’ll also find a self-assessment checklist to help you evaluate the health and vitality of your current career development program.
Tags : Book; Canada; Compentence - framework; Framework - competence; Source: Human Resource Systems Group;

England. Governing Education and Training Systems in England Some Lessons from the United States
This paper broadly discusses education and training system policies that focus on workforce development in England and the US, especially with regard to the role of further education colleges (community colleges in the US), employer engagement, and local workforce development bodies. The focus is on governance at the post-secondary level, as the main interest is skills development after compulsory education. The most striking differences between the American and English systems are the governance and authority structures, which are stronger in the US and afford greater scope for strategic planning by states and between states and the federal level. The experiences of community colleges in working with employers to provide workforce training may be worth further investigation as further education colleges further develop this type of provision. The US experience is less instructive with regard to quality assurance or increasing employers' engagement with education.
Tags : Analysis - comparative; Colleges and Universities; Comparative analysis; Document; Education - and training systems; England; Policy - training; Source: SKOPE - Skills_Knowledge and Organisational Performance; Training - policy; United States of America;

Tunisia. Supporting entrepreneurship in the vocational training system in Tunisia
The basic framework for entrepreneurship training and start-up support in vocational training is in place in Tunisia. The Tunisian Agency for Vocational Training already has a mandate from the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment to introduce students to entrepreneurship and many organisations support this. However, the entrepreneurship support system involves several ministries and agencies, many different types of business development support organisations as well as training centres, and their activities often overlap and would benefit from increased co-ordination.
Tags : Entrepreneurship; In English; Report; Source: OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Tunisia; VET - review;

UK. Routes into Work… it’s Alright for Some: key issues in progressing through vocational learning into employment
Overall employment rates are now at their highest since records began, but youth unemployment, while down from recession peaks, is falling at a frustratingly slow pace. The number of reported job vacancies is actually greater than the number of 16 to 24 year old who are out of work, so why is youth unemployment still so high?
Tags : Employment - youth 16-24; Report; Source: Pearson UK; United Kingdom; VET - vocational education and training; Youth - unemployment;

UK. Working Futures 2014-2024
Working Futures 2014-2024 provides a comprehensive and detailed picture of the UK labour market, focusing on employment prospects for up to 75 industries, 369 occupations, 6 broad qualification levels, gender and employment status.
Tags : Employment trend 2014-2024; Report; Source: Government of UK; United Kingdom;

Asia-Pacific. Enhancing relevance in TVET: review of progress since 2012
The Review places emphasis on three policy areas – green TVET, youth and skills, and use of ICT in TVET – and sheds light on achievements in TVET in the Asia-Pacific, as well as remaining challenges to be addressed as the region moves forward. It reflects the impact of relevance on other TVET areas and its importance for aligning Member States’ TVET systems and SDGs.
Tags : Asia-Pacific Region; Review - VET 2012-2016; Source: UNESCO; VET - review 2012-2016;

Europe. Skill shortages and gaps in European enterprises
The global crisis has increased unemployment in the EU to unprecedented levels, yet many employers claim they have difficulties finding skilled workers to fill their vacancies. This report shows that most vacancy bottlenecks arise because of factors other than general skill deficits, including job offers of poor quality.
Tags : Europe; Report; Skills - shortage; Source: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training;

Europe. Quality-Assurance and Evidence-Base (QAE) Framework
Quality assurance and evidence-based policies and practices to support lifelong guidance systems and services operate in six broad contexts: schools, vocational education and training (VET), higher education, adult education, employment settings, and social inclusion initiatives. This Framework is designed to build upon earlier work undertaken by the ELGPN (2009/10) and to extend this further in the form of a common set of quality elements, criteria, indicators and possible sources of data that can be utilised and further developed by policy-makers and other interested parties to jointly assess progress being made in relation to these six broad areas of lifelong guidance policy development.
Tags : Europe; Higher education; Lifelong learning; QAE - Quality-Assurance and Evidence-Base Framework; Quality-Assurance and Evidence-Base Framework - QAE; Source: ELGPN - European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network; VET - vocational education and training;

Skills for Jobs
The conceptual framework—Skills Toward Employment and Productivity (STEP)— helps policymakers, analysts, and researchers think through the design of systems to develop skills that will enhance productivity and growth. The framework guides the preparation of diagnostic work on skills, and design of policies across sectors to create productive employment and promote economic growth.
Tags : Skills - development strategy; Source: World Bank; Strategy - skills development;

Canada/Saskatchewan. Discover Your Future Career Path is Saskatchewan’s one-stop-shop for anyone who is planning their future path—education, career and lifestyle. Learn about yourself and your interests, discover career paths, explore education and training and connect with employment opportunities.
Tags : Canada/Saskatchewan; Resources; School-to-work transition; Source:;

USA. Make STEM education exciting and engaging
Education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is a priority for policymakers that want the United States to remain competitive in these fields. While this discussion has gone on for some time, the rapid pace of technological advancement makes STEM education an increasingly urgent topic. Preparing a workforce that can adapt to rapid technology change remains a critical policy challenge.
Tags : Podcast; Source: Brookings Institution; STEM - Science_technology_engineering_and mathematics; United States of America;

Verbs used to highlight to your areas of expertise
A non-comprehensive list of action verbs. These verbs are used to describe accomplishments and performances, to present results or to express expectations.
En français. Verbes d'action par domaine de compétences Also available in Italian and German  
Tags : Glossary; Resources; Source: Manpower;

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