CVA-ACFP Newsletter
June 2014
  • September 8-11 2014 St-John's, NL
  • September 15-18 2014 Winnipeg, MB
  • November 3-6 2014 Ottawa, ON
  • November 17-20 2014 Calgary, AB

Global Insights towards VET Reform
Real change starts with a clear, nationally owned vision for the role of skills in development and supported by adequate capacity and participatory governance.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Article; In English; Reform - VET; Source: NORRAG - Northern Research Review and Advisory Group; VET - reform;

Canada. The labour shortage and youth unemployment
Apprenticeship and youth unemployment: some employers are getting it right! The article raises some interesting points about how committed employers can solve their own “skills shortage” … if they are willing to make the investment.
Interview of Jeff Griffiths, Chair at National Certification Committee in Alberta, Canada
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Article; Canada; In English; Shortage - skills; Skills - shortage; Source: The Windsor Star; Target group: Youth; Trend - analysis;

Canada. The future of jobs in Canada
The biggest threat facing the economy is a massive shortage of qualified workers. It is estimated that there will be 1.5 million skilled job vacancies in 2016, and 2.6 million by 2021. Related news. 
Canada. What to do about a massive shortage of qualified workers
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - trends; Article; Canada; Employment trend; In English; Infographic; News; Shortage - skills; Skills - mismatch; Skills - shortage; Source: Macleans; Source: The Globe and Mail; Training - workplace; Trend - analysis; Trend - employment;

Canada/Ontario. Building a bridge to Canadian career
Program helps immigrants adjust to culture and find relevant employment.

List of Ontario bridging programs, visit
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Article; Canada/Ontario; En bref; Foreign students; In English; Source: Toronto Star; Target group: Foreign workers;

France. Vocational training and professional development: a capability perspective
Lifelong learning has become one of the keys to making workers' career paths more secure at both the French and the European policy level. However, the implementation of these policy lines raises delicate questions as to how the responsibility for vocational training should be shared among employees, employers and public institutions. The study, based on quantitative and qualitative surveys in which employers and their employees were consulted, shows that the environment provided by the company contributes more decisively than employees' previous training and career paths to the capability of the latter to attend vocational training and develop professionally at work. Relying on these empirical findings, it proposes a scheme for a capability-based conceptualization of professional development.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis; Continuing education; Development - workforce; Education - continuing; France; In English; Lifelong learning; Paper; Source: VOCEDplus; Survey; VET - vocational education and training; Workforce - development;

Germany. Job matching across occupational labour markets
This paper refers to an analysis of matching processes in occupational labour markets in terms of classes of jobs that share extensive commonalities in their required qualifications and tasks. The findings of this study strongly suggest the use of an augmented matching function that considers job and worker searches across occupational labour markets.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - comparative; Comparative analysis; Germany; In English; Paper; Skills - needs; Source: Institute for Employment Research; Workforce - analysis;

India’s Approach to the Certification of Vocational Skills
New concerns in the field of skills development and certification put a target of training and certifying 500 million people by 2022 to cash in on the country’s demographic dividend and make India’s labour force globally competitive. Obviously, the bulk of this 500 million will be trained informally, and recognizing and certifying their skills is therefore crucial. Towards this end it is proposed to implement a National Vocational and Educational Qualification Framework (NVEQF) that would rationalize the Indian vocational training and certification system. It is envisaged that NVEQF will be able to tackle the existing problems of the system.
See also India’s Approach to the Certification of Vocational Skills A Vocational_Skill_Certification_2.pdf
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Article; Employment trend 2022; Framework - national framework; In English; India; National skills policies; National Vocational and Educational Qualification Framework (NVEQF); NVEQF - National Vocational and Educational Qualification Framework; Skills - development; Source: NORRAG - Northern Research Review and Advisory Group;

Russia. Are Skills a Constraint on Firms? New Evidence from Russia
Survey of recruitment firms to look at how Russian firms perceive the supply of skills in the labour market and how well those skills match to their demand for labour.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; In English; Russian Federation; Shortage - skills; Skills - needs; Skills - shortage; Source: IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor; Survey;

Tunisia. Entrepreneurship Training and Self-Employment among University Graduates: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Tunisia
This paper relies on randomized assignment of the entrepreneurship track to identify impacts on labor market outcomes one year after graduation. The analysis finds that the entrepreneurship track was effective in increasing self-employment among applicants, but that the effects are small in absolute terms. In addition, the employment rate among participants remains unchanged, pointing to a partial substitution from wage employment to self-employment. The evidence shows that the program fostered business skills, expanded networks, and affected a range of behavioral skills. Participation in the entrepreneurship track also heightened graduates' optimism toward the future shortly after the Tunisian revolution.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - trends; Employment - youth; Employment trend; In English; Paper; School-to-work transition; Source: IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor; Target group: University students; Trend - analysis; Trend - employment; Tunisia; Youth - employment;

UK. Motivation and barriers to learning for young people not in education, employment or training
This research paper aims to understand why 18 to 24 year old are not in education, employment or training (NEET).
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis; In English; NEET - not in employment - education or training; Research paper; Source: Government of UK/Department for Business Innovation and Skills; Target group: Youth 18-24; United Kingdom; Youth;

European Union. Challenges Facing European Labour Markets: Is a Skill Upgrade the Appropriate Instrument?
The financial and economic crisis shattered the Lisbon Strategy’s attempt to increase the EU’s employment rate to 70% among 15-64 year old by 2010. The new Europe 2020 strategy envisages a 75% adult employment rate by 2020; however, this goal also seems unrealistic in light of the economic crisis which has caused the EU’s employment rate to drop significantly below 70%. A crucial question now is whether a skill upgrade of the European labour force would help to increase the employment rate, especially among youth. This Forum explores the relationship between education and employment throughout the EU.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - trends; Development - skills; Employability; Employability - youth; European Union; In English; Paper; Skills - development; Source: Intereconomics; Strategy Europe 2020; Trend - analysis; Youth - employability;

Europe. Innovating on skills
Countries with strong vocational education show lower youth unemployment rates.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Article; In English; Source: Business Line; Target group: Youth; VET - trend; VET - vocational education and training; Youth;

A College Degree Sorts Job Applicants, but Employers Wish It Meant More
Employers value a four-year college degree, many of them more than ever.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis; Article; In English; School-to-work transition; Skills - needs; Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education; Survey;

Recognizing non Formal Learning Experiences: Top-down or Bottom-up Approaches for Skills Alignment
Adults have an active role in their own learning and training. Non formal and informal education is the cornerstone for a lifelong learning and career development. But related knowledge and skills, derived from several years of professional experience, personal development, or continuous vocational training, are hardly recognized in the formal education arena. Candidates for a diploma or qualification have to confront more or less referenced educational syllabus. For a better classification and promotion of individual knowledge and skills, and a more effective definition of associated competency proficiency levels, this paper investigates two approaches, supported with tools, so as to guide candidates in self-assessment and as such facilitate knowledge and skills validation by examination boards.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Education - non formal; In English; Non formal education; Paper; Source: HAL Archives ouvertes;

Youth Unemployment and Vocational Training
This paper focuses on the determinants of the labor market situation of young people in developed countries and the developing world, with a special emphasis on the role of vocational training and education policies. We highlight the role of demographic factors, economic growth and labor market institutions in explaining young people's transition into work. We then assess differences in the setup and functioning of the vocational education and training policies in major world regions, as an important driver of differential labor market situation of youth. Based on our analysis we argue in favor of vocational education and training systems combining work experience and general education and give some policy recommendations regarding the implementation of education and training systems adapted to a country's economic and institutional context.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - trends; Article; In English; Source: IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor; Target group: Youth; Unemployment - youth; VET - vocational education and training; Youth - employability; Youth - unemployment;

Marginalization of young people in education and work: findings from the school-to-work transition surveys
This paper studies causes and consequences of labor market marginalization in 8 developing countries.. More links between educational institutions, enterprises, social and institutional partners are decisive to implement the dual principle, namely generating work experience together with, rather than after general education: a closer integration of the educational system with the outside business world, through activities of job placement and counseling, as well as programs of on the job training (apprenticeship) are important to the generation of the job specific work experience and other skills that also entrepreneurs consider important when hiring a young person, therefore reducing the overall length of the school-to-work transition.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Azerbaijan; China; Development - skills; Document; Egypt; In English; Iran; Lower-income countries; Middle-income countries; Mongolia; Nepal; School-to-work transition; Serbia; Skills - development; Source: UNESCO; Statistics; Syrian Arab Republic; Target group: Youth - disadvantaged; Youth - disanvantaged;

Canada. Tackling the Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness 2014
The skills issue remains the main priority in 2014.
More at
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - trends; Canada; Document; In English; Skills - shortage; Source: Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Trend - analysis;

Ghana. From Prejudice to Prestige: Vocational Education and Training in Ghana
Higher skills levels are required to boost productivity, underpin economic growth, and create opportunities for individuals in Ghana. Technical and vocational education and training is (TVET), however, poorly perceived, often being seen as the reserve option for those unable to achieve the grades to enter into higher education. Unless TVET begins to be seen as the important component of economic and social development that it is, a lack of skills will ultimately have serious consequences for Ghana’s economy. These negative perceptions of the sector are limiting the career opportunities available to Ghanaian youth.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Africa; Analysis - trends; Development - workforce; Ghana; In English; Report; Source: City & Guilds Centre for Skills for Development; Trend - analysis; VET - development;

USA. More Than a Major
Business executives care more about their new hires' thinking, communication and problem-solving skills than they do about their undergraduate majors,
Related survey. USA. It Takes More Than a Major: Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Article; Higher education; In English; School-to-work transition; Skills - needs; Source: Association Of American Colleges And Universities; Source: Inside Higher Ed; Survey; United States of America;

Africa. Development of 21st century skills for innovation and enterprise: exploring the role of informal learning environments in the development of skills and aptitudes for the digital creative media industries
This report considers the 21st century skills needed to build a knowledge society and focuses on education and skills development for innovation and entrepreneurship. It covers: digital creative media (DCM) industries in Africa; skills required for DCM industries; skills gaps in African DCM industries; DCM skills required for employability; challenges faced in the development of DCM skills; the role of innovation hubs in developing DCM skills; innovation hubs in Eastern and Southern African countries; innovation hubs and the digital creative media industry; views on approaches to developing skills for the DCM sector; and learning models used in innovation hubs.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Africa; Development - skills; Employment trend; Field: Digital creative media; In English; Report; Skills - development; Source: Gesci; Trend - employment;

European Union. Prison education and training in Europe current state-of-play and challenges: current state-of-play and challenges
The report shows how education and training for prisoners help reduce the social costs of crime and support the rehabilitation of prisoners and their reintegration into society. It further provides an overview of key European policies and funding programmes related to prison education and training, highlighting their added value and contribution to the development of innovative and new approaches to education provision in prisons. It then looks into the current ‘state-of-play’ with regard to provision in prisons across Europe, providing some concrete examples from individual Member States.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; European Union; In English; Prison population; Report; Source: European Union; Target group: Prison population; Training;

Skill deficits in developing countries: a review of empirical evidence from enterprise surveys
This study aimed at assessing skills deficits in developing country contexts on the basis of firm data from World Bank Enterprise Surveys. A precise definition of skills deficit was used – employers’ perceptions of inadequate workforce a educational levels as a relative and absolute constraint to firm growth and performance - to assess the relevance of skills deficits in a set of 25 low- and middle-income countries. Although limited to the formal sector and to employer perceptions, the study nonetheless highlights a number of patterns concerning skills deficits in the development world of relevance for policy.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis; Document; In English; Lower-income countries; Middle-income countries; Review; Skills - shortage; Source: UNESCO;

Skills for Today's Workforce
Links to communication skills, workplace skills, life skills, literacy skills.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; In English; Resources; Source: Vocational Information Center; Training - workforce; Workforce - training;

Afghanistan seeks Tajikistan’s support for training of personnel
Afghanistan does not have enough centers for training skilled workers and it needs Tajikistan’s support for solving this issue.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Afghanistan; Cooperation - educational; Educational cooperation; En bref; In English; Source: Asia Plus; Tajikistan; VET - vocational education and training;

Canada. Student Loan Repayment Problems
Graduating students everywhere must now consider how they will repay any student loans they have accumulated over the course of their studies. The typical student borrower in Canada faces over $10,000 in Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP) debt when they enter repayment. Nearly 15% will find themselves in default at some point within the first three years after leaving school.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Canada; Education - higher; En bref; Higher education; In English; Source: CIBC - Centre for Human Capital & Productivity; Students - loans/debts; Target group: Students;

European Commission launches Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs
Initiative to address up to 900 000 job vacancies by 2015 in Information and Communication technologies.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Employment trend 2015; En bref; European Union; Field: ICT; In English;

USA. Why Employers Aren't Filling Their Open Jobs
With far less to spend on recruiting and training, vacancies are staying vacant for a very long time.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Analysis - trends; Article; Economic crisis; Employment - pattern; En bref; In English; Source: Harvard Business Review; Trend - analysis; United States of America;

14 Bloom's Taxonomy Posters For Teachers
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a useful tool for assessment design, but using it only for that function is like using a race car to go to the grocery–a huge waste of potential.
Tags : 2014 June Newsletter; Bloom's Taxonomy; En bref; In English; Poster; Source: Teach Thought; Target group: Teachers; Taxonomy; Teachers; Tools;
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